
  1. D

    Measured 8 inch dick

    0.5 inch of fat pad Girth is 5.3 inch
  2. G

    Changes In Bpel?

    Hello, I have intentionally gained 30+ plus lbs over the course of 12 months (bulking - I was 162 lbs when I started). And I've noticed that aside from Npel changes, I was and am perplexed at my Bpel measurements - It seems like I lost a cm in length. Somedays it goes to my max which is a cm...
  3. Leobakker

    Poll: Erect Penis Size Bone Pressed (bpel)

    What’s your Bone Pressed Erection Length (bpel) mates? Let us now!!! Poll: Erect Penis Size Bone Pressed (bpel) And write down your girth in the comments. Already 426 guys filled in the poll! Much thnx!
  4. G

    Fluctuations In Erect Length?

    Hello, I am stressed and depressed as one can be during this global pandemic. And, just the other day I decided to measure both my Npel and Bpel, and I was perplexed at the noticable difference in length from what I used to measure. I have seemed to have "lost" a 1/4" to a 1/2" in both Nbpel...