celebs go dating

  1. B

    Anyone know who Dhan from Celebs Go Dating 2023 is please?

    All I wonder if anyone can identify who this guy is please. He appeared on Celebrity Go Dating 2023 as a date with Mark-Francis Vandelli who said he is Dhan from Brazil but I'm sure I recognise him from somewhere else and it's bugging me from where! Thanks for any help.
  2. G

    Greg Broughton

    I’m shocked there’s no thread on this stud already. Greg Broughton was on the recent series of ‘Celebs Go Dating’ where he dated a guy off The Apprentice. He’s fit as fuck. IG: gregbroughton95 Twitter: stevengregorxxx OF: stevengregory26 Thought he was fit as fuck on Celebs Go Dating...