cock cage

  1. NEMy

    Chastity cage practice/positioning techniques

    The right cage for self locking = self confidence and sex drive. - this is the point from which I want to start. Unfortunately, at least for me is impossible to find any thread where you guys shared best practices on how to reach your targets, if you started to use the case for self confidence...
  2. hubbysph

    Photo Jailed Junk

    Is your disappointing cock caged? Let’s see your jailed junk. How long have you incarcerated?
  3. K

    Please Humiliate Me

    Anyone to humiliate me? This is my photo. I've never been humiliated by hung men. I'd like to try.
  4. domina_with_camera

    Cock Art - My Domina Gaze

    Greetings! I have a new gallery up on my profile, of my ongoing work-in-progress erotic art photography project "MY DOMINA GAZE". I welcome you to go have a look, let me know what you think:
  5. domina_with_camera

    Hello And Check Out My "cock Art" Photo Album ;)

    I'd love for you all to check out my profile album "Cock Art - MY DOMINA GAZE", and let me know what you think of my photos. Feel free to add me, polite DM's will be answered ;)
  6. S

    Photo Chasity

    i love when my wife will talk down to me
  7. C

    First cock cage: tips/suggestions

    Hi. I've ordered my first cock cage online - one of those plastic ones - not because I'm into chastity but because I've always wanted to try one. Are the any tips for wearing it, keeping it clean, wearing for extended periods? Or anything else you think I should know