
  1. S

    Johannes Brotherus Finnish Singer and Actor

    Singer and Actor Also member of Kuumaa who participated in national finals for Eurovision in Finland. So so so hot! Anything on him??
  2. C

    Finnish blond fitness model: macho perfection

    Stunning blond Finnish model Anyone knows his Instagram? Sheer hotness perfection
  3. Spicy Girl 13

    Amateur Scandinavian Guys (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland)

    It's no secret that Scandinavian guys are known for being hot and good looking esp with their blond and blue eyes. So any amateur scandinavian sex video you know. Feel free to post it on this thread. The vids can be danish, swedish, finnish, or norwegian as long as it's part of the...
  4. Greenkai3000

    Scandinavian Men

    I’ve been to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark over the last few years. I can agree that Scandinavian men are among the most stunning looking in the world. Swedish men (and women} specially , blew me away. They were very friendly too. I would love to get this thread started by sharing pics of who...
  5. F

    Help ID Finnish Twitter gay

    Does anyone know his Twitter name?
  6. D

    Isac Elliot (Finnish singer)

    He's so hot, does anyone have shirtless pics / nudes of him?

    Pyry Aikää

    Anything on this Finnish cutie? I know he shows some side nudity in Paras vuosi ikinä episode 5, which I've made two discussions about already.
  8. ShowerCum

    Any Finnish Guys Here? Myös Suomeksi...;-)

    Any guys from Finland here? I’m a 40yrs old deepthroat from Helsinki and would like to find good dicks to deepthroat... Suomalaisii kundei/miehiä täällä? 4-kymppinen syväkurkku haluis saada nieluunsa täytettä ja kuorrutetta...
  9. G

    Simo Aka Sibbee

    Post everything about him ig sibbee
  10. G

    Photo Toni Pitkänen Ig Tonipitkyanen

    Please post everything about him ❤️ ig, sc and tiktok tonipitkyanen
  11. G

    Tino Virta

    Please send more pics and videos of this finnish boy Tino Virta. Instagram nick tinovirta
  12. 1

    Benjamin peltonen (finnish singer)

    somebody got anything on this beautiful finnish singer?