
  1. M

    Food porn and milk enema

    Since I don't know what happened to my last thread of food porn, nor the reason it was deleted, I've decided to restart with a less risqué matter. Remember: this is FICTIONAL, farcical, fantastical. Done in AI (perchance) with a generic prompt of "asian male". The following images were based...
  2. M

    Thread about AI food porn that I made

    Hello, moderators. Whatever happened to the thread I started on his subforum months ago? I was trying to access it, and it shows that the whole thing has been deleted! What did it contain (e.g., offensive material) that could have caused its deletion? If I know the reason, I will refrain...
  3. J

    Can someone help identify this food fetish scene or guys?

    Photo - Good enough to eat I used to jack off to this gay porn scene but haven't seen it in a while.
  4. 3

    Food Porn

    Hey guys, this is an idea I've always wanted to promote - food porn, I mean literally food porn. Cocks and donuts, cocks and fruits, cocks and vegetables....anything edible goes :emoji_fork_knife_plate: So if you have some nice shots of your nice cocks and some food and never had the opportunity...