
  1. J

    Forum for dirty porn discussion ?

    I like this forum, but I cant find a thread for "dirty porn" discussions. I also think it does not fit the vibe of this forum. Can anyone recommend a forum for this kind of discussion ?
  2. H

    Can someone explain Intporn - ErotiCity - PornCoven VS. LPSG to me?

    I wasn't really sure which LPSG forum to post this in. I just stumbled upon Intporn and (what I assume are its sister sites) ErotCity and PornCoven when I was searching for a particular vintage gay porn film. I'm a little confused by their set up and was wondering how y'all use those forums vs...
  3. K

    Do you believe in labels? I think I'm bisexual, because gay and straight don't feel right to me.

    I've always been sexually attracted to dudes. I've just never called it "attraction". I went to an all-boys high school, and I would get the butterflies whenever I saw a good-looking classmate of mine. I've never acted on those feelings, because I again I didn't know that it was an attraction...
  4. DavideX

    Name A Famous Pornstar Which Dick Of The Poster Above Looks Like.

    Let's begin with me! Have fun!
  5. J

    Kinda New & Looking For Help

    Been here for a few months and have been searching through A LOT of different threads lol. I never needed this one before, but is there a thread or does someone know where I can post like a missed connection type of post? I recently met up with a guy on Grindr. I didn’t save his contact info. We...
  6. LevinZ

    What Interests You On Lpsg?

    Okay so quick background, I'm gay, here to satisfy my curiosity because porn lies about size or sometimes even increase my insecurities. I never scrolled or searched female members and their albums, and then I recently wondered what do female members do or like on this site. I mean there are a...