funny porn


    Gay porn funny scenes and fails

    I always come across some pretty weird and funny gay porn scenes, I started this thread to collect these scenes.
  2. F

    Where can I find funny porn videos like this?

    I love videos like this: Like funny tiktok videos but they are also porn lol. Where can I find videos like these? I've tried to search them on reddit but, nah. Could not find anything except gaynsfwfunny subreddit.
  3. UKPianoBoy

    Hot Pockets

    At 8:16, this epic moment. You’re welcome
  4. KayJx

    Funny Face Men

    Among the various porn (gay and straight) that I watch, I noticed that some guys make very funny faces while they are fucking or cumming hahaha And as I found this very curious... I decided to make this thread to show photos and videos of those moments with these guys. They can be straight or...
  5. F

    Photos & Videos Funny Porn

    I found this video a while back and thought it was funny. Realized I’m kinda into that funny, non-serious, chaotic stuff. It’s equally hot and equally hilarious. So if anyone has anything else, I’d love to see it.