gay movie

  1. A

    Tv/movies where straight guy is seduced by guy?

    Any films or tv shows where a strsight guy goes with another guy? Where they hesotate or don't like it at first maybe. Any suggestions would be good
  2. J

    The Dare Project Movie

    Full movie: The Dare Project Movie 1 & 2 Trailer:
  3. F

    True straight guys first time versatile

    I remember seeing several videos with so-called straight people fucking each other. There is for example a video with friends on a bed doing it for the first time like pornstars and this rather funny video where two porn actors play heterosexuals chosen for a reality show who have to fuck each...
  4. C

    Movie Boys In The Band

    Misery. Train wreck. May not finish the movie. Is there a gay movie like this that is the direct opposite? Discuss if you want.