grande fratello

  1. msriffraff

    Roger Balduino - Brazilian model

    This guy is so sexy.
  2. msriffraff

    Andrea Zelletta - Grande Fratello

    This guy deserves his own thread. Enjoy!
  3. jmr8

    Lorenzo Spolverato - Big Brother Italy 2024

    he's so hot
  4. msriffraff

    Alessandro Basciano - Italian model, DJ and reality star

    Starting a thread for this sexy reality star (Grande Fratello), DJ and model.
  5. msriffraff

    Michael Terlizzi - Italian boxer

    From Grande Fratello, model, boxer. Guy is super sexy!
  6. msriffraff

    Sexy Italian Simone Poccia

    Recently discovered this guy, a former contestant on Grande Fratello Italia, a model and runner from Italy. Anyone got anything more on him?
  7. msriffraff

    Photo Valerio Logrieco - Italian model/actor

    Anyone have anything more on this gorgeous Italian model/actor? He was on a season of Grande Fratello.