
  1. Opramachine Dude

    Build your OPRAmachine erotic medical exam chart

    I enjoy realistic erotic stories, especially realistic erotic stories about medical exams. I have seen many sites hosting erotic medical exam photos, but they don't have illustrating notes or narrative background behind them. What's the point in that? Here you can build your #medfed medical...
  2. Ronaldo19

    Any Doctors Here?

    Hey Everyone, I was wondering if there are any healthcare professionals on this platform that are willing to chat for a bit? I have a family member that has a MELD score of 18, but is physically very sick. I have general questions/concerns regarding MELD score and general questions about how...
  3. Ronaldo19

    Mexico City

    anybody live in Mexico City? trying to talk to someone, maybe even an expat. Thinking of potentially moving there