hunk channel

  1. S

    Japaese gaypor blog?

    I used 🍌otokoki – ゲイ向け動画を中心にまとめる成人向けアフィリエイト広告サイト for quite a while, since it showedupdates of new japanese gayporn and also linked the actors so you could find them in other videos. It seems the page was deleted. Has anyone a good alternative? Something like "Queermenow" but for japanese gayporn?
  2. iamloved

    Photos & Videos Jap Hunk Video

    Hello guysss. Do we already have a copy of this video? Thank you in advance! 🙏 ❤️
  3. D

    Who is this guy?

    Need help to find who is this handsome japanese himbo hunk? Do someone Knows his social?
  4. B

    Photo Who are the women who "work" for

    Some are chubby, some are more skinny, some are older and some seems to be younger, but everyone have the same feature: they don't have ANY sexual attractiveness, they don't have neither face, nor name and even seem don't have a history of life. They are just a nut to fit on a screw. It's...
  5. O

    Source for this hunk channel video where one of them slap the other on the ass

    Does anybody have the link to the full video or just the name of the video?