
  1. explosionerection

    Size VS Height

    Let's finally find out if there is a correlation between height and penis length. Tick off the box that's closest to your measurements!
  2. explosionerection

    What is the best size ratio?

    Talking size and what's more important, length or girth, it's interesting looking at what you'd prefer with a ratio going from shorter and fatter to longer and skinnier
  3. explosionerection

    What’s more common: a thick or a long dick?

    What is more common? A really long or a really thick cock?
  4. D

    Hung in Manhattan

    Looking for like minded individuals to create a community of men who are hung or who like hung.
  5. explosionerection

    What do you consider a big dick (girth / thickness)

    From what number would you consider a penis thick? Just thick, not monster thick. Be realistic. Imagine yourself wrapping a measuring tape around a random guy's dick. At what number would you be confident telling him that he has a thick dick?
  6. explosionerection

    What do you consider a big dick? (length)

    From what number would you consider a penis big? Just big, not monster big. Be realistic. Imagine yourself measuring a random guy. From what number would you be confident telling him that he has a big dick?
  7. explosionerection

    How big do you think the average porn star is?

    We all know that pornstars are not as big as they say they are, and that the dildo replicas are not accurate. You can clearly see in all videos where they're being measured that they're measuring it the wrong way: either from the side, not from zero on the measurement tape, pics far away from...
  8. explosionerection

    What is the girth of your hard (erect) penis?

    What is the girth of your hard (erect) penis? HOW TO MEASURE IT COREECTLY: Use a soft measuring tape or a piece of string. ... Gently wrap the tape or string one time around the thickest part of the shaft of the erect penis. Note where the ends of the tape meet; that's the number you're...
  9. explosionerection

    How big is your hard (erect) penis?

    How long is your penis? HOW TO MEASURE IT CORRECTLY: Measure the top edge of your penis – the side you can see when you look down. Measure from the tip to the pelvic bone – press the ruler into your groin until you feel resistance to compensate for hair, fat and skin. Measure with the ruler at...
  10. explosionerection

    How big is your soft (flaccid) penis?

    How big is your soft / flaccid penis? We all know it can vary a lot in size depending on outer circumstances such as temperature, exercising, stress, loose/tight fitting clothes. So answer what size it is MOST of the time (in normal room temperature without significant outer impacts). Please be...
  11. 7below

    Cock Size Contest

  12. 7below

    Is The Poster Above You A Grower Or Shower?

    Post your size scale from flaccid to erection