iptv services

  1. Collongdick

    Porn on IPTV

    The context of this survey is...I use an IPTV service that has thousands of channels...sports, movies, sitcom and drama episodes, and 112 porn channels. $33 a month. I watch these porn channels on my TV. Occasional buffers, too much interracial and lesbian porn for my taste. Every once in...
  2. Collongdick

    IPTV services with porn

    Taking a poll on this and looking for great IPTV porn services Thread 'IPTV services with porn' IPTV services with porn
  3. Collongdick

    IPTV services with porn

    I subscribe to an IPTV service that has thousands of channels, including 112 porn channels. $33 a month! Some of the porn is excellent with great video quality; some not so much. I am not going to name the company as I am not sure if they are a legal service. I have tried a bunch of IPTV...