jerking together

  1. D

    G0ys Moments

    Stories, Poems, Thoughts and Jokes... without sucking dicks or fucking asses. قصص وأشعار وأقوال ونكات، عن رجال يفعلون كل شيء عاطفي وحساس وجنسي، بدون مص العضو الذكري وبدون نكاح المؤخرة.
  2. N

    Bate Bud Vids

    Love watching buds jerk together or jerk each other. Especially when you can tell they are really horny. This is one of my favs. Post some more! (Prefer amateur but all posts are welcome)
  3. J

    Please help to find movie name

    Hey there There is some German or Scandinavian film which have scene where group of guys playing soggy biscuit game in the middle of the forest does somebody knows the name of this movie?