
  1. 6

    What city should I move to? (Age: 26 | Current Residence: USA)

    I'm thinking of moving to Los Angeles, London, or to any smaller village in the English Countryside. At the very least, if I end up moving to LA instead, then I'd love to buy a summer house in England and spend every summer there, even after getting married and starting my family, so that my...
  2. mad4it90

    Moving To Berlin 2022.

    Planning on moving to Berlin in January from Ireland. Just wondering has anyone moved over and any advice? I don't speak German but hope to learn while I'm there. Cheers, SJ
  3. 5

    What Would It Take.......

    Name 5 reasons it would take for you to move out of the state/province etc etc you live in AND what 5 things would the new state have to have for you to move to it?