
  1. T

    Fernando Daniel (Portuguese singer)

    Handsome, charming Portuguese singer, anything on him?
  2. T

    Al Shami / Abdul Rahman Fawaz (Syrian Turkish singer)

    He's beautiful but I can't seem to find any pics showing off his body🥲 I need to see it so bad
  3. T

    Samara (Tunisian rapper)

    Anything on him?
  4. GalacticGooch

    Bryant Faskala (The Hot DJ)

    Shocked that there isn't a thread on this guy yet. He's a hot DJ who has some gorgeous pecs. Anyone have anything on him? His Socials: TikTok Instagram YouTube SoundCloud
  5. woo-ah-bitch

    Porn Music Videos

    looking for videos like this… where people edit the videos and add them music.
  6. H

    As1one New Boyband

    How is there no thread for this new boy band. Some of the bodies on show here….
  7. D


    Haven’t seen anything on this tiktoker/musician but he’s hot as hell.
  8. N

    Flemming (Dutch Musician)

    So I stumbled into this guy's music while I was learning Dutch and thought he was super cute (His music is also really good!). I can't seem to find a lot about him though. What do yall think?
  9. ChampHercules

    Hi, I'm Champ Hercules! (American Singer)

    Hi, I'm Champ Hercules! I'm an American singer-songwriter from Massachusetts! I'm here to promote #smallpenispositivity and my album "Bringing Back Grunge" by Champ Hercules! Here's what I'm rockin' with! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
  10. O

    Sunny De Rosal Musician

    He’s a cute singer on insta and might have some stuff out there.
  11. D

    What’s yalls favorite album(s)?

    I myself enjoy pop music the most, and of course I absolutely adore Chappell Roan’s “The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess” but because it is an album that I’ve recently discovered I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite yet but it’s definitely a contender, so the album I’ll say is my favorite is...
  12. S

    Hot Metalhead Dudes

  13. M

    kevin olusula

    sorry, but i can't stand not seeing a thread of this fine man from ptx. as times go by, the more i crush on him. he just had that sex appeal.
  14. T

    Diogo Piçarra (Portuguese singer)

    He's soo handsome I can't believe he doesn't have his own thread yet
  15. T

    Pedro Bispo (Portuguese rapper)

    I think he's really hot, love his moustache and hope he'll show more of his body
  16. T

    Fahree (Fəxri İsmayılov) (Azerbaijani singer)

    I wish this guy knew how hot he is because then we might have more than just one badly lit and black and white shirtless pic...
  17. Jerk1975

    Pre 80's connect the song title

    Ok this is how this works. Name a song like hard days night by the Beatles and connect it with a word from another song with a same word from another song title like night and day from Sergio Mendes, both night, and also day work in this and continue it on. The only rule is all of the songs and...
  18. A

    Kayden Stephenson / kingkayden / KAYDXN

    Anyone have anything on him? He used to be on Vine back in the day and was also on American Idol a while back. He now releases music and has a decent social media following. Instagram: kingkayden Website: KAYDXN - KAYDXN These are the only risqué photos I could find:
  19. rique

    Ski Aggu (German Rapper)

    I think it's about time to create a thread for this handsome German artist.
  20. J

    Thomas Mustin (Mustii)

    He was recently in Eurovision and he's a judge on Drag Race Belgique Il a récemment participé à l'Eurovision et il est juge sur Drag Race Belgique (désolé si mon français est mauvais, je parle seulement un peu)
  21. Marco Tony

    Which Stereotype Is The Most Accurate?

    Below are some stereotypes that are very common. Which of these stereotypes you think is the most accurate? You can only choose one. Which means that the ones you didnt choose are inaccurate. Only one of these stereotypes is mostly accurate. Which one? Blonds are dumb. Black men have the...
  22. AFBerthie

    Photos & Videos Marius Lauber (Roosevelt)

    A thread to appreciate the musician Marius Lauber who I find very handsome
  23. J

    DJ Khaled

    Judge if y'all must, I wholeheartedly couldn't give less of a fuck. He's sexy afffff :weary_face::heart_eyes::emoji_tongue:
  24. Marco Tony

    Madonna - Bedtime Stories Is Her Most Underrated Album

    Madonna - Bedtime Stories celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The album was released in late 1994. It was a more mature album that showned her softer side. The album was well received by the critiques. I remember how praised this album was. But somehow the album ended up being just an...
  25. immaxvu

    Photos & Videos Shawn Cee

    I'm cleaning out my porn folder and I realize that I was holding some Shawn Cee nudes. He's super hot and I'm just shocked there isn't a thread on him already. If there is, I'm sorry for the double thread. Anyway here's all I got.
  26. S

    The Lucky Punch Band

    The German Rock n Roll band that are not afraid to bare all on stage. Making it look easy and natural to be naked infront of others.
  27. F

    Playing guitar naked

    Any one else turned on watching men playing guitar naked?
  28. P

    WILLIE WATKINS ( williebarely / barelyalive)

    WILLIE WATKINS ( williebarely / barelyalive) is an American dude from Cali, part of barelyalive music group, anyone has something from him?
  29. LukiLuk19xl

    Photo El Jordan 23

    New post sobre Jordan 23 el cantante chileno, no es que este muy fibrado, y hay mucha gente que lo ve feo, pero a mi me calienta demasiado...:heart_eyes::imp:
  30. K

    Jax Jones (DJ)

    Real Name: Timucin Fabian Kwong Wah Aluo DJ/Producer - Jax Jones