nudity in movies

  1. D

    Deacon St John video game nude mod video

    Hi everyone, I’m a big fan of nude modded men in video games for nonsexual nudity to give the illusion of nudism in front of clothed characters. My latest obsession in nude modding is thanks to Deacon St John from Days Gone. I’ve found some gameplay footage of it in German which is okay, I’ve...
  2. O

    Vegas 2009

    Does anyone have full muvie Vegas from 2009? Vegas (2009) - IMDb Vegas 2009: 1h 50min | Drama | 25 September 2009 (Norway) Storyline:You don’t choose your family. You choose your friends. Vegas is the story of Thomas, Marianne and Terje – three teenagers with nowhere to go. After witnessing his...
  3. Daedalus

    Guys Magically Stripped In Movies

    I posted about this on a completely different website but figured I'd give it a shot here, too. I'm hoping people here can recommend any films where male characters end up getting naked through the use of magic (like, magic is used to telekinetically strip someone, or zap away their clothes, or...