opinion needed

  1. TheEasyA

    Where do you stand with open relationships or cheating?

    I’m curious where everyone stands on the topic of open relationships and/or cheating. I had a potential partner who revealed to me they don’t think cheating is serious and that having sex with other random people while in a committed relationship isn’t cheating. And when I tried to say that I...
  2. kscird

    Embarrassment Fetish?

    Has anyone else ran into this? Not me personally but I was talking to this guy that I met on a dating app, if people are interested I may share the whole story. But I have a feeling this guy gets off on sharing embarrassing or potentially humiliating things have have happened or are happening...
  3. B

    Honest opinion

    Helloo! I know you have heard this alot. Please bear with me. Im sick of having this thought floating around my head. I would like an honest opinion of my penis, detailed preferrable. So i can shut this thought once and for all. Don't need to be nice. Brutal honesty preferred. Thank you.
  4. A

    Rate And Be Honest
