penis comparison

  1. A

    When I pee in a row urinal...

    Forum rule - only straight men answer please! Everyone talks about this, with his own assumption how much straight guys are curious (or not) about comparison. Would be great to take advantage of the forum rule to have a straight-only poll / discussion to understand what straight guys really...
  2. I


    I’ve always been kinda self conscious about my size, I’ve never had any kind of sexual interaction (in part because I’m insecure about my size) and just wanted to ask for opinions, I don’t think i have a REALLY small dick, but even when I take pics I feel like it looks way smaller, I just don’t...
  3. AussiePenis95

    This or That (Penis edition)

    Hey everyone! Appears that I may have posted this thread in the wrong section, so let's see how it goes here. Rules to the game are pretty simple: Post a photo of two penises and the next poster has to decide which one they prefer and then post two new pics to continue the game.
  4. IG4YB0YI

    Pequeno ou Desproporcional

    Eu completei 18 recentemente e uma coisa que sempre me preocupou foi o tamanho do meu pau. Eu sempre fui gordinho e comecei a desenvolver pelos mais cedo que os outros e sempre fiquei na dúvida se ele realmente é pequeno ou se é uma disformia que eu tenho em relação ao meu corpo e outras...
  5. JayPR

    What do you consider to be a small dick?

    What do you consider to be a small penis? I am asking just to understand better people's expectations because it seems that penis size categories vary depending on who you ask. If I ask a straight guy, usually the answers vary, but it seems like someone in the 6 inches even if not considered...
  6. mtdScott21

    Video Remote Control Comparisons Compilation

    My dick compared to three different sizes of remote controls: 5161551