
  1. A

    Photos & Videos Daniel Gomez del Barrio

    Does anyone have or know where can I find more of his content, he's really hot and I would love to see more of his kinky photos and videos, any @ on X or telegram??
  2. oakaye

    Glenn Micallef

    Maltas proposed EU commissioner is so handsome. Glenn Micallef is 35 years old and will be the youngest commissioner. What do you think of him? 😏 (Models and Celebrities must be right, right? Like he would fall under celebrity??!)
  3. Q

    Rufus Gifford

    Anything on this political hottie? He’s the former US Ambassador to Denmark and was in Biden’s cabinet. He’s married to the very sexy veterinarian/ former model Stephen DeVincent (who has posed full frontal in the past under the name Stephen Ritts). I see on IG these two hang out with a lot...
  4. T

    Matteo Salvini (Italian politician)

    First and foremost, this is not a political endorsement and I actually hate most things he stands for. That being said, he's really hot to me. I'm into daddies and imo he has the perfect dad bod
  5. D

    jd vance writer and politician vp nominee

    Last thread was nuked??? Let's start again?
  6. F

    Photo Péter Magyar - Hungarian Politician

  7. Rainier

    Photos & Videos Marcelo Calero - Brazilian Politician

    We need a thread for this man. It is long overdue! O Marcelo merece e precisa de uma thread aqui para juntarmos todo o bom conteúdo num só sítio. Tudo reunido.
  8. S

    elprofesorsilva (Luis Silva Irarrázaval)

    (Hilo de apreciación, no existen desnudos)
  9. D

    Hot Politicians

    French politician Benjamin Griveaux is so sexy. So many other sexy guys out there, let’s find them.
  10. B

    Hot Men On Ryan Murphy Shows

    There are always hot actors on ryan murphys shows, so this thread is for their hottest moments! who has been your favorite so far?