
  1. M

    Jerri Gomes

    IG: ojerrigomes Twitter (X): ojerrigomes www.OnlyFans.com/ojerrigomes Thoughts??
  2. J

    Photo António Van Zeller

  3. A

    Video Help find a video!

    It was a video shot In first person On a phone. It was a guy recording his roommate walking (and I think he was talking on the phone?) naked and he was hung! Like long! The roommate was white and lanky with long, around shoulder? Length brown wavy kinda curly hair. I remember seeing the video...
  4. N

    Mickael Carreira

    I was surprised to see that there is nothing about the sublime and sexy singer Mickael Carreira, so I decided to make a thread. His body is very hot, hairy torso & huge pecs, he looks like he has an amazing ass and he looks blessed in the front too, a real beefy daddy 🥵 His brother David is...
  5. T

    Ljubomir Stanisic Lookalike

    Hii, I was wondering if some member from lpsg could help me find a porn lookalike to Ljubomir Stanisic, who is a huge portuguese tv crush of mine. Here are some pics for reference
  6. A

    Hot Fit Portuguese OF guy

    Jj_lour eiro(no space) on IG, Twitter and OF. Anyone have his OF pics/videos?
  7. M

    Tio Breno aka Romeu

    Thoughts? Twitter (X): tiobreno5 Instagram: tiobrenooficialrj
  8. 129JOHN

    Pedro Neto

    Don't think there's a thread already for the Portuguese footballer Pedro Neto - so am starting one now...
  9. H


    Hey folks, starting a thread for Bruno Best (paodopizzaplex on TikTok)
  10. H

    Photos & Videos Pedro Abreu

    OnlyFans Hot 24yo Portuguese boy. Just returned to OF If anyone subscribes and wants to share, here is the place :)
  11. Malany_hill85

    Portuguese speakers, unite!

    This a thread for Brazilians, Portuguese or any Portuguese speakers from other countries s to change content, get followers and just know each other. Will change to Portuguese from here ;) Ei pessoal, faz tempo que queria criar um tópico para os lusófonos falarem na nossa língua materna aqui...
  12. D

    Bruno Salgueiro (Portugese fitness YouTuber)

    Bruno is a charming, funny content creator - very popular in Portugal, and very charming (and hot). He often manages to sneak blurred (and not-so-blurred) nudity into his YouTube videos, and some of his workout techniques are quite titillating (often on purpose)! Some of my favorite videos of...
  13. M

    Bernaldo Pires

    This Brazilian hunk is known as Bernaldo Pires in the gay porn industry. He performed for Brazilian Studz productions including Bananas From Brazil 3. If there are pictures and videos that could be shared on this thread it would be greatly appreciated. Thoughts?
  14. M

    Tadeu Novais

    This hunk is Tadeu Novais. He performed in many gay porn videos in Brazil back in the day. He is versatile, but mostly bottomed in his scenes. Incredibly sexy. Does anyone know what happened to him? Thoughts??
  15. M

    Alex Torino

    This sexy hunk is Alex Torino from Bela Vista, São Paulo - Brazil. He is incredibly sexy and have no idea what he is doing now. Does anyone know anything about him? Instagram? Anything??
  16. Sluthorn99

    Douglas Rabelo

    douglasrabelofit on instagram
  17. H

    Thiago Sena (thiagosenaoficial)

    Hello! This is Thiago Siena. I found him on instagram and here are some of his pics from his account. I asked him if he could send me any full frontal nude pics, he saw my message but he didn't answer. Anyways, does anyone know anything more or are there any nude pics of him somewhere on the...
  18. Aaron888

    Jose Condessa

    Any updates of jose condessa. ?
  19. anotherman97

    Can Someone Identify This Brazilian Pornstar?