
  1. A

    Hot Fit Portuguese OF guy

    Jj_lour eiro(no space) on IG, Twitter and OF. Anyone have his OF pics/videos?
  2. Malany_hill85

    Portuguese speakers, unite!

    This a thread for Brazilians, Portuguese or any Portuguese speakers from other countries s to change content, get followers and just know each other. Will change to Portuguese from here ;) Ei pessoal, faz tempo que queria criar um tópico para os lusófonos falarem na nossa língua materna aqui...
  3. L

    ricardo-xxl-23cm OF

    hey, for the lovers of ricardo-xxl-23cm a extreamly hot and big dick guy... theres the thread
  4. panchoralsex

    Photos & Videos David franca @Davidfraanca

    Veamos que contenido hot hay de David
  5. B

    A thread for the portuguese

    Boas! Já tenho um pequeno grupo tuga de skype, mas se fosse maior dava para encontros até. A ideia é manter o espírito do lpsg hahaha venham mais dotadões! skp: shiznit159
  6. P

    Kennyladxxx Of

    I used to sing this account but appears that the model has shut down the page... OnlyFans Someone has some content of the model? He used to be on twitter with the same usermane, and in the cam4 with the alias "deathraysk8". Thanks!
  7. Z

    Portuguese Snapchat Group

    Creating snapchat group for Portuguese speakers Criando grupo exclusivo para brasileiros, portugueses, etc. deixe seu nome do snap aí em baixo tmj