
  1. xlxs

    ScOpinions wanted

    Just a quick opinion poll. Been married almost 30 years, love my wife tons. She’s 7 years older than me & has the sex drive of a rusty bumper = zero. Have always wanted to be a bottom & experience a prostate orgasm from a cock. …on the DL, how bad of a husband does this make me ?
  2. F

    What are you surprised that you haven't seen more of in porn?

    Just a question about what you have or haven't seen used in porn. For instance, as popular as Jockstraps are, I almost never see people using or playing with the actual hard cup / athletic protectors themselves. They seem like such a fun provocative shape, perfectly containing the genitals, and...
  3. D

    Who's this guy? Anyone know other works of his?

    I found this video on this vid titled "young stud fucks a milf". Not sure where it's from but I wanna know who the male actor is. Straight Sex: (str8) young stud fucks a milf -
  4. CyanZach

    Referee Filip Dujic

    How does this hot referee not have a thread here? Does anyone know if he has social media? Instagram? I want more pics of him
  5. J

    What does it feel like when a man cums inside you?

    Hi all. This is a question for my fellow gay bottoms, and a topic I haven’t really seen be discussed a lot. A guy cumming inside you seems to be one of those things that people either absolutely love, or they don’t really care for it. Personally I’d love to try it, and I’m just curious to know...
  6. U

    Title of a gay nude movie I saw a long time ago

    このテキストは翻訳機を使用して書かれていますので、間違いがあった場合はご容赦ください。 その映画の主人公は2人の若い男性でした。2人は付き合っていました。2人はそのうちの1人の男性の家に泊まることになります。私の記憶は曖昧ですが、その家には若いゲイの男性と彼の犬、そして彼の父親と母親が住んでいました。 もう一人の男は寝室を借りることになる。ここで、この映画の重要なシーンが見られる。なぜかは忘れたが、男が寝室の窓から頭を出して吐くのだ。吐いたものが家の入り口の上の屋根に落ちる。男は吐いたものを水で洗い流そうとするが、うまくいかない。後のシーンでは、地面に落ちた吐いたものを犬が舐め取る。...
  7. T

    Might My Coworker Be Bi/Same-Sex-Attracted?

    So, I have a male coworker from whom I've just always gotten a "vibe" he has some latent bi-curiosity in him... (Don't ask me by what criteria I'm getting this vibe from; I just get feelings about certain people sometimes, and they've proven to be correct more times than not. If you are like...
  8. T

    Does anyone know who this is???? I’ve seen this video so many times and still have not figured out who he is. Any help?
  9. LeBronTheGOAT

    Is that a jockstrap?

    Am I tripping or is that a jockstrap? :emoji_thinking:
  10. R

    V taper

    Does anyone know a guy with a V taper body like mett0606? ( HUNK with broad shoulders and a slim waist. Lingerie models, porn models, anyone is fine.
  11. G

    I want to have a pussy but not being a woman.

    Hi everyone. I´m a guy in my 20's and not to long ago I started to feel a bit confused about my self, i want to have a pussy instead of a penis but still being a man, i don´t have a problem with my dick, it´s just that i want to be a man with a pussy. Is that normal? lol
  12. A

    Anyone else feel bad about jerking to some type of porn?

    I don’t really know why I am posting this I think I just need to get it out lol I find cruising and hidden cam/anon porn so hot and it always gets me off but I always feel bad after. Post cum clarity lol I think I mainly feel bad for jerking to the men who never consented to be in the videos...
  13. T

    What do you find attractive about men? (Gay men only)

    I love men! Everything about them drives me crazy except for penises. I’m not grossed out by them but they don’t get me hard. I do like balls though. My main attractions are asses and assholes. When I see a guy with a nice ass instantly get horny.
  14. 1

    Orgasm question

    You know when a man reaches the point of no return, and he starts moaning a lot, but he's not actively ejaculating? His dick is sort of 'stuck' in that in-between zone where the orgasm has begun but the contractions haven't started yet? Usually lasts a few seconds and then he blows. I've...
  15. T

    How do you deal with bigotry within the community?

    Many times on here and elsewhere, gay men are called misogynists, bigots, and close minded for not being attracted to women. Not just from straight men but from gay and bi men too. Gay and bi men seem to think it’s hateful and wrong for gay men to not want to have sex with women.
  16. E

    Cut as an adult

    I’m a curios person so sometimes I have random question. One of them is can you tell is a penis has be circumcised before or after puberty? Like is there a more noticeable scar line or something along those lines…
  17. T

    What do you do when you mess up with a guy?

    I didn’t know where to post this since there’s no general question directory. I really like this guy a lot but I didn’t at first. I was head over heels with this one guy so obviously I ignored him since I was seeing someone at the time. Things didn’t work out and I want him but he’s mad at me...
  18. simontr9102

    Getting hard in a Misterbandb

    Hey guys, I booked a clothing-optional Misterbandb out of curiosity and the need for an accommodation. In the ad it says that nudism is suggested for guests. At first I thought it would be a fun experience, but now I have afterthoughts because I’m known for getting hard REALLY easily and...
  19. D

    Shave or let it grow out?

  20. 15337

    Who is the best muscular dude that does role playing?

    I’ve been looking into doing role playing with some online muscle dude for some time. Who is the best person to go to for some role playing sessions?
  21. D

    Why do y’all care!?

    I’m starting this off by saying I am a gay man. I will never be Bisexual or Pansexual or Straight. This is just something I’ve observed particularly on this site. And also I’m not entirely sure if this is the place to post this but we slay. As an enjoyer of men, there are many adult content...
  22. T

    Can you screenshot/record on Privacy?

    Just wondering if anyone knows if you can screenshot or screen record on there. Please lmk
  23. Z

    Video Does anyone recognize this guy from IG?

  24. D

    19M | new to this

    I’ve visited this forum a lot over the past couple years (every time without an account). This is my first account and first thread so hello. *I was in the process of editing my profile and came across something called ICQ. Anyone know what that is? I tried searching and found nothing.
  25. A


    If sexuality is determined by what attracts us, why are there people who need to experiment to know their sexuality? for example straight/gay people who found out they are bisexual only after experimenting. In theory, shouldn't one already know what attracts him/her?
  26. H

    Can someone explain Intporn - ErotiCity - PornCoven VS. LPSG to me?

    I wasn't really sure which LPSG forum to post this in. I just stumbled upon Intporn and (what I assume are its sister sites) ErotCity and PornCoven when I was searching for a particular vintage gay porn film. I'm a little confused by their set up and was wondering how y'all use those forums vs...
  27. M

    Dextercumington Chaturbate

    Hello, i have a crush on this man Watch Dextercumington live on Chaturbate! Do you guys have some videos of him? In which he cums is awesome lol. Thank you.
  28. S

    Video Can someone identify this muscle bear?

    Here is the video:
  29. T


    hello, well, I decided to write here because I hope someone who knows the subject can help me, I'm going to have my first time with a man (I'm a man) and I would like to see if someone can give me tips for penetration, if I am the passive, I have to do (besides hygiene). sorry for the English...
  30. explosionerection

    Length, girth, balls or body?

    What is the most attractive feature to you? Length, girth, balls or a nice body? If you would HAVE to pick