
  1. SilverDadBottom

    Pop Quiz: Identify the Dad Bods +

    Since the term “dad bod” entered the lexicon’s almost a decade ago, it seems like people have divergent definitions. I’m also wondering if men who are attracted to men share similar ideas with heterosexual women, and anyone else attracted to men. Which of the following, if any, would you...
  2. D

    Help me find this test website

    I was wondering if anyone can help me find this website that I just can’t remember the name of, it’s a website where you essentially make your own personal profile where you can choose, in my case, your dick size, girth, glans shape, overall shape and curve, color, etc. It has the option for...
  3. 1

    Online Cock Contest And Visualization

    Hi all, I thought I’d put my data visualizations skills to some mischievous use and do an online Cock Compare comparison with anyone that wants to take part. Just fill out this quiz - Cock Size Survey - and your data will automatically get added to the online dashboard - found here: Penis Size...