
  1. S


    Does anyone have access to this full video? Jennifer's Revenge
  2. FakeFlatron

    Vengeance/Payback/Revenge porn (gay)

    FIRST, A DISCLAIMER: this thread is not for the typical revenge porn of posting someone's sex tape without their consentment. That said, i know this topic is very specific, but I think is so hot that is worth it. I need more videos like that. Doesn't need to be THAT WAY but just similar vibes i...
  3. R

    Ricky Rousing Series

    Hey guys, this is my first story. i've finished the book and it's available on amazon. i'm also on sponsus if you wanna join the community and help me write the next book but hint theres no spoilers for book one. I hope your all as thirsty as me. Enjoy :p Ricky Rousing Ricky couldn’t believe...