shower sex

  1. V

    Photo Please ID this Locker room sex scene

    I saw this on Reddit over a year ago and never got the source I thought I’d try here to see if anyone knows it. Super hot and I know the bottom is Asian but this is all I have. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Hotshot - a trucking novel

    Hotshot - a trucking novel

    Peter wrote a novel about the trucking industry called Hotshot. The novel is on presale until December 24, 2022 on Smashwords. Link to Presale HERE The book tells the story of Hugh Jayness, possessor of a well-below-average penis, who decides to join the lucrative and very busy hotshot trucking...
  3. Zachyzac-of

    Zachyzac - OF

    Check out my onlyfans if youre a fan of BUBBLE BUTT TWINKS who love showing off :imp:
  4. J

    Photo Porn Scene Id: Whats The Title Or Link Of This Porn Movie/scene Based On This Gif Of Mirko Steel

    I have been looking for the porn scene/movie that this gif was taken from. The guy in the gif is Mirko (aka Mirko Steel) & he is fucking an unknown female pornstar in the shower (her face is not seen in the gif). If anyone knows the title of the porn scene/movie, the link to a free clip of the...
  5. Silmende

    The Sensei

    This story has been posted elsewhere, and probably the target public wasn't. :) I'm posting it here too, I hope you guys enjoy it. "Your body is a weapon," Daniel said to me. "Now you tell me," I joked. Daniel adjusted my outstretched fingers for a perfect nukite, positioned himself in...