spanish actor

  1. Miguel Herran (damn hot)

    Miguel Herran (damn hot)

  2. T

    FERNANDO GIL (actor español)

    Es el actor madurito más sexy de España!!! Uffff esos bíceps… esa espaldaza ancha y musculosa… ESAS TETAS DE ACERO PELUDITAS!!! 🥵 Por no hablar de sus enormes pies… 🤤🤤🤤 En la serie Machos Alfa está IMPRESIONANTE!!! 🔥🔥🔥
  3. E

    Miguel Angel Munoz (Hot Spanish Actor)

    Hi guys! I'm surprised that no one has created a thread about this cutie. He is so handsome that I always get a boner when I see him. I'd love to taste him, especially his hairy abs.
  4. JotaT

    POLL: ¿Cuál es el actor español que más te pone?

    ¿Cuál es el actor español que más te pone? Lo puedes decidir votando este sondeo. Como había dicho en los dos sondeos iniciales los primeros cinco de cada sondeo se van a enfrentar en este último que va a elegir el actor español entre 23 y 44 años que más pone… Puede ser por su cuerpo, su...
  5. Scrtary

    Fran Berenguer from Culpa Mia

    Anything on Fran Berenguer? I found him so hot in Culpa Mia. He seems to be such a sweet guy as well.
  6. SAGN

    Jason Fernández Birchwood

    Spanish actor
  7. qnn

    Tony Lage

  8. S1monsnow

    Hugo Arbues- spanish actor

    Hugo Arbues Spanish actor from Through my window/ actor de a traves de mi ventana @hugoarbuesm
  9. Y

    Mario García, Spanish actor

  10. B

    Diego Domínguez

    so sexy
  11. T

    Iván Pellicer

    He is a Spanish actor who has been in a few movies. He is so hot!
  12. Y

    José Milán (spanish actor)

  13. SomedoodeMe

    Can anyone id the guy in this.

    Does anyone know eho this guy is? He sucks his own dick with the chick it's pretty hot. (6:54)
  14. Y

    Marc Bonnín (spanish actor)

  15. C

    Help ID this Trans (FTM) French actor

    He's a redhead/ginger, was casted in a French gay TV series and has a transwoman girlfriend/wife. He's young (20-25). If I recall, he also has Spanish citizenship.
  16. L

    Alex Torres (model)

  17. Y

    Iván Lapadula Montes (Spanish Actor)

    Extremely sweet, cute and hot. He will appear in the upcoming Netflix series 'A través del mar'.
  18. S1monsnow

    Pablo Arbues - actor

    Pablo Arbues Este tio es tan hermoso :3 Tienen algo sobre el?
  19. P

    Iván Marcos (actor Español)

    Acabo de terminar Jaguar en Netflix y estoy que no paro de fantasear con este portento de hombre :heart_eyes:
  20. Jason GayLight

    Juan Diego Botto

    Juan Diego Botto Rota (born August 29, 1975) is an Argentine-Spanish movie and theatre actor.
  21. Y

    Julio Peña Fernández (spanish Actor)

    He's so cute and hot. I want his dick inside me. I wanna ride him like a crazy and yelly bitch while he enjoys the depth of my butthole. He will be starring in upcoming Netflix. series 'A través de mi ventana'. Wish we could see him shirtless there... Those armpits deserve a bondage scene with...
  22. Y

    Juanlu González (spanish Actor)

    He's extremely cute and hot!!
  23. Veggiesguy

    Photo Fernando Cato - Spanish Actor

    I developed a teenage crush on Fernando Cayo back when he played in the 2007 film El Orfanato. Since there are no threads on him, I wanted to create one and see If anyone shared a similar interest. He has a lot of charisma, gorgeous eyes and a sexy dad bod. Honestly, I'd love to see him in his...
  24. JayM1183

    David Mora - Actor Español / Spanish Actor

    Does anyone have any nudes of Spanish actor David Mora? We know that he's openly gay. I'm sure there must be some risqué selfies of him somewhere, right? ¿Alguien tiene unas fotos de este actor español David Mora sin ropa? Sabemos que es gay. Estoy seguro que hay unas selfies picantes de este...
  25. P

    Adrián Lastra - Spanish Actor

    Anyone have his nudes? Here some photos of him