
  1. Y

    Gay Spit Roasting

    Your favorite spitroasting moments in gay porn
  2. C

    Video Help ID Gay porn Video please

    Hi Guys I need some help finding this vid. Got one of those Grind ad messages with an expiring video, and it seems very hot. Hoping it's a real shot. As you can see the top has a large rose(?) tattoo on his neck, as well as a scorpion(?) on his waist. Apart from that I have no clue about any...
  3. G

    First threesome experience vids (MFM or FFM)

    Looking for videos of authentic first threesome experiences (or at least that "look" as authentic first threesomes), preferably homemade! Either MFM or FFM. I'll get the ball rolling with one of each. MFM: I think this one is pretty good, may even be legit! FFM: retro but really good, the...
  4. D

    Photos & Videos Searching for "Citebeur" french model's name from multiethnic groupsex video

    I'm searching for the name or, even better, other videos of a model from this french multiethnic video I found: French boy dominated by Arab and Black - ThisVid.com I presume it's from citebeur.com, but I may be wrong. I think the bottom is Hugo 2, and the second top is Tyler. (Vidéos porno...
  5. S

    Gaming And Guys? I'm In. (m/m/m)

    I'd not had many experiences with guys in my 32 years of life up to this point, the only times being meeting up with guys that I'd met online to suck them off; one outside, one in his car and one in my flat. So it was these same websites I turned to one saturday night when I was feeling the urge...