
  1. Marco Tony

    Which Stereotype Is The Most Accurate?

    Below are some stereotypes that are very common. Which of these stereotypes you think is the most accurate? You can only choose one. Which means that the ones you didnt choose are inaccurate. Only one of these stereotypes is mostly accurate. Which one? Blonds are dumb. Black men have the...
  2. bigboaster

    How much do you believe in Gaydar? I don't. Try to change my mind.

    Title is a bit reductive so I will clarify slightly. The basic definition of gaydar" according to Google is: This is what I am contesting. I believe someone can observe perceived "gay traits" in an individual and conclude they might be gay. I don't think this is truly gaydar per the...
  3. bigboaster

    Gay guys who actually find gay men more attractive?

    Well do y'all exist? I'm only half joking but seriously it's maybe 90 % more common to find gays who are not attracted to/exclusively attracted to straight men. Any of you out there who are the opposite of that?