
  1. Psychotherapy: Bessel van der Kolk : The Body Keeps the Score - Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma

    Psychotherapy: Bessel van der Kolk : The Body Keeps the Score - Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma

    I had read Paul Conti's book first (refer to previous blog post) and then I was still searching and found Bessel van der Kolk The Body Keeps The Score I...
  2. Psychotherapy : Have you addressed your Trauma? Dr Paul Conti in an interview about Trauma

    Psychotherapy : Have you addressed your Trauma? Dr Paul Conti in an interview about Trauma

    So, in my frustration of feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere, the question about Trauma arose within me, very strongly in 2020. I was actually listening to a podcast from Lewis Howes with Jordan Peterson when I found Dr Paul Conti. The podcast is entitled: Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic &...
  3. Psychotherapy

    psychotherapy: following up on things..

    in my last entry I mentioned that a Straight therapist got me to my first Gay Bar. I was early twenties. Scared and filled with anxiety. The therapist told me about a gay bar down the road and offered to take me. I was shocked and somehow ashamed. Maybe I should have said 'yes' to him taking me...
  4. Psychotherapy

    psychotherapy: what is it and why and, and, and....

    I'm writing this because I feel the need to; I see others asking questions about the their lives on this site and sometimes I think these could / should be dealt with by a therapist! But in truth I've started questioning the therapy I've received over the last 40+ years - on and off. I've had...