12 Dicks of Xmas - Daily contest mini-prize winners!

LPSG Contests

Worshipped Member
Platinum Gold
Mar 3, 2020
Hey everyone!
Congratulations and a shout out to our daily winners!

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We have been busy behind the scenes gathering all of the awesome feedback from the 12 Dicks of Xmas Holiday Contest and we are pleased to announce the daily mini prize winners! :)

Our mini-prize winners are members who voted and participated in the daily contest rounds and will receive a wide selection of prizes. :)

For each day of the contest and for the days leading up to the contest opening, we will be giving away:
A 1 Year LPSG Platinum Gold Membership
5 One-month LPSG Platinum Gold Memberships
5 LPSG Cock Rings
And! An LPSG Sex Toy! (Wonderwand, Dildo, Prostate Toy, Etc..).

The following members won a 1 Year LPSG Platinum Gold Membership!

The following members all won a 1 Month LPSG Platinum Gold Membership!

The following members won LPSG Cock Rings!
@Rod Magnum
@David Reed86
@Raybo Revoy

The following members won an LPSG Sex Toy!
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That is a lot of prizes handed out to a lot of dicks. Urm, like, totally affable dudes who showed us their dicks or commented on the shared dicks.

Y'all know what I mean!!

Congrats to the winners and the participators.

And thanks to the LPSG Contest crew for giving us all an excellent present over the holidays!!
Wahoo, I won a cock-ring! Thank you to LPSG for choosing me as one of their winners, and to anyone who liked any of my comments during the contest! 😘 (Now I know how Sally Field felt at the Oscars! 😂)
Congrats to everyone who participated whether they won or not. Now we are looking forward to seeing pictures and videos of the winners wearing their cock rings and playing with their sex toys for the first time.;)