20yo with an insanely huge cock for girls



Hi everyone !

I’m a 20yo straight boy who is looking to nude with girls. I have a 12inch cock and love to chat, flirt, create fantasies…

I am on Twitter and Tinder but I mainly receive demands from guys (which I don’t mind but is not what I am looking for).

If you are a girl and want to experiment something new and get aroused together, write me…
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Welcome mate! I think we all can't wait to see some pics of your 12 inches cock :D
I posted pictures and videos (both soft and hard) on different forums here. Go check my profile !
Welcome, I looked at you r post and didn’t see any pictures!
So strange… go to attachements maybe? I posted in the „what size is it soft“ forum and in „show your dick for no reason“ and in others
There is a pic in the „as long as your forearm“ section too and a measurement pic somewhere. I dont know why they dont appear on my profile :/
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Maybe you know how to add media on my profile page?
Go to "Add media" under "Gallery" in the main navigation, and then upload pics by coosing to create a new album. They will appear in your profile.
Thanks for the advice! I posted all my pics and vids (plus some new ones) in my albums ;)
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Great! Happy to be able to help!
Are you cut or uncut?
I had to get circumcised when I was 12yo. But they only took off a piece of foreskin and not totally uncovered the head... so I don't really know how I qualify. When erect, I don’t have enough skin to cover my head.
I had to get circumcised when I was 12yo. But they only took off a piece of foreskin and not totally uncovered the head... so I don't really know how I qualify. When erect, I don’t have enough skin to cover my head.
Do you have some left to play with when erect?
At least it looks like your head is protected when soft. :)