23yo Dom Top (online) looking for sub twinks



Hey, 23 yo dom and aggresive top here. I dominated young subs (mostly twinks and femboys) before and then gave a break. Now I want to return and looking for very submissive cute twinks that are into long term domination. I primarily use snapchat for that kind of relationships. My snap is: deneme237827.

If u want a taste of how a relationship with me look like, see below:

Rules and Characteristics That You Must Be Okay With:

1) Having intelligence enough to understand my desires and a soul that is satisfied by fulfilling them, being into sub/dom or daddy/son social and sexual interactions.

2) A willingness to construct a solid long-lasting relationship in which you: comply with my advices and show respect accordingly. I do not want much of "but still...." kind of answers: Whatever we discuss, most of the time I will be right and giving you the logical advice probably anyway, so do not worry.

3) Once we establish a certain trust level, you should be okay with sending your face pic. ( I will send too.)

4) Checking your messages regularly (daily and frequently) to see if I have requested something from you. If you are busy, you must let me know, explain the reason behind, provide a due date within the next 24 hours for contacting me, and conform to the due date.

5) It is extremely important for you not to be disrespectful under no circumstances. You should communicate with proper language, this also includes using the language appropriately (no abbreviations, no slack language. Note that this is not applicable to me.) Keep in mind that not checking your messages is disrespectful behaviour:

“If I have messaged you, you must respond to me within the next 24 hours according to the rule specified in clause 4.

6) If we are using snap for communication, it is forbidden to put a time limit on your pictures/videos. (Not showing face at the same time with your nudes and putting time limits only for face pics is okay. Trust and being comfortable with our communication is important.)

What I will do:

1) You will provide me your limits at the beginning of our relationship and I will be careful about them.

2) I will do nothing that puts you in danger either in real life or on social media.

3) I will care about you: Except from our sexual relationship, I will help you in your daily social life using my understanding of the world if you want to share any problem of yours.

4) I will establish the relationship specified in clause 3 within my own boundaries and at the frequency and time intervals that I determine.