
Sexy Member
Aug 28, 2023
San Diego, California, US
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I turned 30 yesterday. After spending the day with my best friend, I wanted to end my birthday the best way I knew how hooking up with Mr. J. He and I had been texting this weekend to discuss when we could meet up. It was a long while since I last had a fling with him. Life and the other bullshit keeping us apart but on that off-kilter moment when we can find a moment in the chaos to reconnect, that’s when it’s so fun, so exciting, and oh so passionate, and last night/this early morning was no exception to this statement.

Here” the bright green bubble from Mr. J read. I was busy cleaning off the foam courtesy of Colgate and my toothbrush from my mouth. I rushed to my room and pulled the golden Anonymous mask sitting on my bookshelf. It was my favorite mask, the mask I made Mr. J wear for me on our flings which he happily obliged whenever I presented it to him. Of course, I know what he looks like, but for some reason, he becomes another man when I don the mask on him and that man makes my dick leak. He was wearing a grey shirt with grey basketball shorts and his high-top PF Flyers. The last time I had him over he stripped down to just his socks and those Flyers, my hormones took over to the point where I was on all 4’s with my ass in the air, listening to the sound of his balls slapping his hand as he worked his thick dick, mask on, moaning and panting so hard through the mouth hole, watching me kiss his shoes and stroke my throbbing dick in the process.

As I rushed downstairs to open my door, he rushed in grabbed me, and pushed me on the sofa to kiss me. My phone and the golden Anonymous mask on the arm of the sofa. The passion he brings whenever he kisses me, the rawness, the ferocity of his lips on mine, his tongue practically going down to my esophagus, the way he pulls my big boy body up to hold me when he greets me with his kisses, it's enough for me to daydream about it for weeks on end.

When you make out with someone, what does it feel like for you? For me, if it’s good and I mean good it feels like the first time I got planetary high, listening to This Strange Effect by Hooverphonic. The world I was transported to during my trip, the vibrations of the melodies and instruments hit every fiber of my being making the trip almost unreal. That's what it feels like when Mr. J kisses me.

Mr. J, lip-locked and exuding the intense passion he brings to my doorstep had me naked in the blink of an eye. Still in his clothes, he had lifted me, sat me on his lap, threw my Calvin's into the dark abyss of my living room, wrapped his arms around me, hand playing with my hair, with his hand on my head, guided my mouth back to his. Groping and rubbing my ass, moaning into his mouth not to wake up everyone asleep in the apartment and my neighbors. His dick was poking out of his shorts and begging to come out. The tip alone was throwing a tantrum being separated by the fiber of Mr. J's cotton shorts and not teasing my hole. I wanted to escape the hold his arms had on me. I so desperately wanted to take my hand down the garden path and let his dick breathe in the raw passion we had created at the moment. The grasp he had on me was too great, the kissing, his arms holding me like he hadn't seen me in ages (3 weeks in real time, 2 years in dog time) I was powerless to escape and I almost didn't want him to let go. His left arm donned a new tennis bracelet, the cold metal brushed against my hairy ass sent a shiver up my spine and a wake-up to my nipples. His hands moved to my nipples and he began to pinch them. I knew that post hook up they would be on fire with how hard he pinches them and yet it's torture I want to experience again and again and AGAIN. I couldn't help it, while lip-locked I moaned into his mouth, loudly. It's times like this when I'm beyond grateful that everyone in the house are heavy sleepers.

At this point, my mouth was craving his dick in it. His throbbing was alerting me that it was time for me to show Mr. J how much sucking him makes the serotonin shoot into every vein of my bloodstream. I had slid down to the floor and positioned myself accordingly to spread his massive footballer thighs open, exposing his thick uncut dick and droopy balls and I had affixed a piercing gaze on him. Without skipping a beat, keeping his eyes locked on to mine, he grabbed the mask, leaned in to kiss me before the mask's hypnotic persona took over, and donned it. I looked at his dick and just stared at it in sheer awe. No matter how many times I'd worshipped it, it always had this nuance of being a completely new experience for me. The throbbing alone was enough that drool was leaking out of my mouth and onto the linoleum of my living room floor. His hand rubbing the back of my head, my gaze moving slowly to the man in the mask sitting in front of me, my dick was shooting up to the cosmos. I opened my mouth and began to work every inch of Mr. J's dick into my warm, wet, and eager mouth.

The sensation of his dick exploring every inch of my mouth, the moans and pants he echoes whenever I start sucking him, you can't put a price on experiencing this atmosphere. With how loud I was slurping on his dick, how loud I was stroking mine, Mr. J's grunts and moans, I'm surprised everyone was still asleep. Then, that fuckin bastard, he goes in for the kill. While I was sucking his dick, Mr. J brought his hands down to my nipples and pinched them once more. What the fuck was I supposed to do?? I moaned while his dick was in his mouth, I stroked my dick faster, and he pinched my nipples even more. I was in sexual bliss.

Then, Mr. J slides down to my level, bends my back over the coffee table adjacent to the sofa, and wraps his hand around my neck, choking me. I didn't know what to do, my dick was throbbing so much. Mr. J guided my hand back to my dick and made me stroke myself. As he released my neck from his grip, he pressed his masked face against mine, breathing and panting heavily through the mouth hole, stroking his dick, and pinched my nipples again. "Oh fuck yes!" "Fuck yes J***!" "I fuckin love that SO much!" I cried into the mouth hole. I have no clue what it is about that, but the times Mr. J has done this to me, it drives me fucking bananas. No matter how many times I've said the above statements to the masked Mr. J; it's music to him every time. I pulled myself up to him, pulling the mask to expose his lips, and went for more kissing. His hand stroking his dick and balls, freshly lubricated with my saliva, the slapping it made when he stroked and worked his dick in his ole reliable right hand.

He goes in for another round of pressing his masked face onto mine, stroking his dick, and playing with my nipples again. I did a replay of the previous statements to the mask's mouth hole. At one point, I had to stop stroking, I felt I was close and I didn't want to release just yet. Mr. J had returned to sitting back on the couch, watching me play with myself in front of him. Round 2, time to suck his dick some more. The gauntlet was thrown at this point. I had to bring out my secret weapon. I began to suck his dick again and revealed my secret weapon. I began to stick his rock-hard dick down my mouth even more until I began to gag on it. He absolutely goes crazy for this. I know I'm doing a phenomenal job when I feel the back of my head being pushed down farther by him. I gagged on his dick for a few seconds more before I needed to get some air. As I removed my mouth from his dick, I watched it bounce back and forth, glistening from the gagging I had done on it. I laid my head on his thigh, catching my breath, as he removed the mask partially and rewarded me with a deep kiss, victory was mine this round.

Although I had put up a good fight, I couldn't hold up the facade for any longer. I began to stroke my dick again. Mr. J had sensed I was ready to climax. Another intense round of the masked Mr. J being pressed up against me, pinching my nipples, and the moaning and panting to ensue, I was ready. I began to stroke myself faster and faster. If he had a dollar for every time I had said 'fuck yes' to him during this moment, he'd be a millionaire by the time we finished. My body was convulsing. I felt the climax was near, and I was ready for the sweet, sweet release to engulf me. I never call Mr. J 'Daddy' but with how close I was, it slipped out which apparently, he loved. "Good boy, yeah. Keep stroking your thick dick for your daddy. Just like that." he said to me, catnip to my fucking ear. "Daddy! OH my fuckin GOD! Daddy I'm gonna fuckin cum for you!" I screamed out until my load shot out on the floor and I echoed a sigh of relief and satisfaction. Mr. J had released his grip from my nipples, removed the mask, and began to make out with me.

Mr. J's breathing was signaling to me that he was almost at the point of climax. Next on the menu; the twist and shout. I positioned my mouth on his dick again and began with a deepthroat and gagging of his dick. When he's reaching a close level, he starts being more verbal, mask or no mask. "Oh, fuck baby!" "Just like that!" that's the equivalent of a gold star to me, especially coming from him. I removed his dick from my mouth and wrapped both of my hands on his dick. My hands stroking in opposite directions on his dick, he was losing his mind at this point. Then as I worked his dick in my hands, I positioned my mouth on his dick and began to simultaneously suck on his dick and work it in my hands. It was money at that point. He could hardly contain his excitement and joy from this "Oh, I fuckin like THAT! I really fuckin like that!" Yeah, I knew you would Mr. J, as I predicted. I felt frisky, and not like Linda adding some ground black pepper to her unseasoned chicken frisky, I was feeling frisky along the lines of I'm gonna stroke your dick, and I'm gonna lick your gooch at the same time. I don't know what came over me, but I went in and did it. A surprised Mr. J was in enjoyment. After my trip further down south, my mouth and hands began to work on his dick again. I could feel it in his breathing, it was almost time. "Oh, my fuckin god baby! Baby, I'm fuckin close" he was telling me while rubbing the back of my head. He tried to pull me off, but in turn that only made me suck on his dick more. And then... the sweetest nectar began to fill my mouth and slide down my throat. A warm and familiar sensation. I had swallowed every drop he shot until his dick had no remaining evidence left. He lifted my head away for a kiss.

Apparently, tonight was a frisky night for me, as Mr. J and I kissed again, I reached down and played with his dick. I felt his hand wrap around mine and began to gently stroke his dick together. He moaned into my mouth. To my surprise, I felt his dick get stiff again. With the amount of cum he shot out, I would've expected him to be knocked out for a hot minute. This was not the case. "There's no way he can cum again" I thought to myself. As the kissing and stroking progressed, his dick went from flaccid to rock hard. I kept working at it. My legs were asleep at this point. I had come this far (no pun intended) and I'm not a quitter, I started this, let me finish it. An endless parade of Mr. J's 'baby' and moaning filled the silent abyss of my dark living room as my mouth once again began to suck on his dick. I took a quick glance at Mr. J and saw that the time was upon me and much to my delight, was greeted by the sweet nectar of his cum once again dancing on my tastebuds, and sliding down my esophagus.

As the kissing history of post-nut clarity repeated itself, naked, exposed, and satisfied, Mr. J and I were cuddled up on the ugly couch whose fibers had held every single one of our passionate sexscapades. Kissing each other, my head on his chest. His hands ran through my hair then gradually locking with my free hand. "Oh yeah, Happy Birthday" Mr. J had said to me and had kissed me after I had thanked him. An hour passed as we dozed off. It was the perfect send-off to my 20s and a warm hello to my 30s. As we helped each other get dressed, I felt blissful at that moment. Abbi Jacobs from Broad City once said to Ilana Glazer in episode 10 of season 1: "Oprah says that your birthday dictates the kind of year you're about to have" and I couldn't agree more with this statement.

Mr. J, thanks for the experience, you truly are a master of your craft, and have made the start of my 30s a great one


Admired Member
Jul 11, 2021
Texas (United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I turned 30 yesterday. After spending the day with my best friend, I wanted to end my birthday the best way I knew how hooking up with Mr. J. He and I had been texting this weekend to discuss when we could meet up. It was a long while since I last had a fling with him. Life and the other bullshit keeping us apart but on that off-kilter moment when we can find a moment in the chaos to reconnect, that’s when it’s so fun, so exciting, and oh so passionate, and last night/this early morning was no exception to this statement.

Here” the bright green bubble from Mr. J read. I was busy cleaning off the foam courtesy of Colgate and my toothbrush from my mouth. I rushed to my room and pulled the golden Anonymous mask sitting on my bookshelf. It was my favorite mask, the mask I made Mr. J wear for me on our flings which he happily obliged whenever I presented it to him. Of course, I know what he looks like, but for some reason, he becomes another man when I don the mask on him and that man makes my dick leak. He was wearing a grey shirt with grey basketball shorts and his high-top PF Flyers. The last time I had him over he stripped down to just his socks and those Flyers, my hormones took over to the point where I was on all 4’s with my ass in the air, listening to the sound of his balls slapping his hand as he worked his thick dick, mask on, moaning and panting so hard through the mouth hole, watching me kiss his shoes and stroke my throbbing dick in the process.

As I rushed downstairs to open my door, he rushed in grabbed me, and pushed me on the sofa to kiss me. My phone and the golden Anonymous mask on the arm of the sofa. The passion he brings whenever he kisses me, the rawness, the ferocity of his lips on mine, his tongue practically going down to my esophagus, the way he pulls my big boy body up to hold me when he greets me with his kisses, it's enough for me to daydream about it for weeks on end.

When you make out with someone, what does it feel like for you? For me, if it’s good and I mean good it feels like the first time I got planetary high, listening to This Strange Effect by Hooverphonic. The world I was transported to during my trip, the vibrations of the melodies and instruments hit every fiber of my being making the trip almost unreal. That's what it feels like when Mr. J kisses me.

Mr. J, lip-locked and exuding the intense passion he brings to my doorstep had me naked in the blink of an eye. Still in his clothes, he had lifted me, sat me on his lap, threw my Calvin's into the dark abyss of my living room, wrapped his arms around me, hand playing with my hair, with his hand on my head, guided my mouth back to his. Groping and rubbing my ass, moaning into his mouth not to wake up everyone asleep in the apartment and my neighbors. His dick was poking out of his shorts and begging to come out. The tip alone was throwing a tantrum being separated by the fiber of Mr. J's cotton shorts and not teasing my hole. I wanted to escape the hold his arms had on me. I so desperately wanted to take my hand down the garden path and let his dick breathe in the raw passion we had created at the moment. The grasp he had on me was too great, the kissing, his arms holding me like he hadn't seen me in ages (3 weeks in real time, 2 years in dog time) I was powerless to escape and I almost didn't want him to let go. His left arm donned a new tennis bracelet, the cold metal brushed against my hairy ass sent a shiver up my spine and a wake-up to my nipples. His hands moved to my nipples and he began to pinch them. I knew that post hook up they would be on fire with how hard he pinches them and yet it's torture I want to experience again and again and AGAIN. I couldn't help it, while lip-locked I moaned into his mouth, loudly. It's times like this when I'm beyond grateful that everyone in the house are heavy sleepers.

At this point, my mouth was craving his dick in it. His throbbing was alerting me that it was time for me to show Mr. J how much sucking him makes the serotonin shoot into every vein of my bloodstream. I had slid down to the floor and positioned myself accordingly to spread his massive footballer thighs open, exposing his thick uncut dick and droopy balls and I had affixed a piercing gaze on him. Without skipping a beat, keeping his eyes locked on to mine, he grabbed the mask, leaned in to kiss me before the mask's hypnotic persona took over, and donned it. I looked at his dick and just stared at it in sheer awe. No matter how many times I'd worshipped it, it always had this nuance of being a completely new experience for me. The throbbing alone was enough that drool was leaking out of my mouth and onto the linoleum of my living room floor. His hand rubbing the back of my head, my gaze moving slowly to the man in the mask sitting in front of me, my dick was shooting up to the cosmos. I opened my mouth and began to work every inch of Mr. J's dick into my warm, wet, and eager mouth.

The sensation of his dick exploring every inch of my mouth, the moans and pants he echoes whenever I start sucking him, you can't put a price on experiencing this atmosphere. With how loud I was slurping on his dick, how loud I was stroking mine, Mr. J's grunts and moans, I'm surprised everyone was still asleep. Then, that fuckin bastard, he goes in for the kill. While I was sucking his dick, Mr. J brought his hands down to my nipples and pinched them once more. What the fuck was I supposed to do?? I moaned while his dick was in his mouth, I stroked my dick faster, and he pinched my nipples even more. I was in sexual bliss.

Then, Mr. J slides down to my level, bends my back over the coffee table adjacent to the sofa, and wraps his hand around my neck, choking me. I didn't know what to do, my dick was throbbing so much. Mr. J guided my hand back to my dick and made me stroke myself. As he released my neck from his grip, he pressed his masked face against mine, breathing and panting heavily through the mouth hole, stroking his dick, and pinched my nipples again. "Oh fuck yes!" "Fuck yes J***!" "I fuckin love that SO much!" I cried into the mouth hole. I have no clue what it is about that, but the times Mr. J has done this to me, it drives me fucking bananas. No matter how many times I've said the above statements to the masked Mr. J; it's music to him every time. I pulled myself up to him, pulling the mask to expose his lips, and went for more kissing. His hand stroking his dick and balls, freshly lubricated with my saliva, the slapping it made when he stroked and worked his dick in his ole reliable right hand.

He goes in for another round of pressing his masked face onto mine, stroking his dick, and playing with my nipples again. I did a replay of the previous statements to the mask's mouth hole. At one point, I had to stop stroking, I felt I was close and I didn't want to release just yet. Mr. J had returned to sitting back on the couch, watching me play with myself in front of him. Round 2, time to suck his dick some more. The gauntlet was thrown at this point. I had to bring out my secret weapon. I began to suck his dick again and revealed my secret weapon. I began to stick his rock-hard dick down my mouth even more until I began to gag on it. He absolutely goes crazy for this. I know I'm doing a phenomenal job when I feel the back of my head being pushed down farther by him. I gagged on his dick for a few seconds more before I needed to get some air. As I removed my mouth from his dick, I watched it bounce back and forth, glistening from the gagging I had done on it. I laid my head on his thigh, catching my breath, as he removed the mask partially and rewarded me with a deep kiss, victory was mine this round.

Although I had put up a good fight, I couldn't hold up the facade for any longer. I began to stroke my dick again. Mr. J had sensed I was ready to climax. Another intense round of the masked Mr. J being pressed up against me, pinching my nipples, and the moaning and panting to ensue, I was ready. I began to stroke myself faster and faster. If he had a dollar for every time I had said 'fuck yes' to him during this moment, he'd be a millionaire by the time we finished. My body was convulsing. I felt the climax was near, and I was ready for the sweet, sweet release to engulf me. I never call Mr. J 'Daddy' but with how close I was, it slipped out which apparently, he loved. "Good boy, yeah. Keep stroking your thick dick for your daddy. Just like that." he said to me, catnip to my fucking ear. "Daddy! OH my fuckin GOD! Daddy I'm gonna fuckin cum for you!" I screamed out until my load shot out on the floor and I echoed a sigh of relief and satisfaction. Mr. J had released his grip from my nipples, removed the mask, and began to make out with me.

Mr. J's breathing was signaling to me that he was almost at the point of climax. Next on the menu; the twist and shout. I positioned my mouth on his dick again and began with a deepthroat and gagging of his dick. When he's reaching a close level, he starts being more verbal, mask or no mask. "Oh, fuck baby!" "Just like that!" that's the equivalent of a gold star to me, especially coming from him. I removed his dick from my mouth and wrapped both of my hands on his dick. My hands stroking in opposite directions on his dick, he was losing his mind at this point. Then as I worked his dick in my hands, I positioned my mouth on his dick and began to simultaneously suck on his dick and work it in my hands. It was money at that point. He could hardly contain his excitement and joy from this "Oh, I fuckin like THAT! I really fuckin like that!" Yeah, I knew you would Mr. J, as I predicted. I felt frisky, and not like Linda adding some ground black pepper to her unseasoned chicken frisky, I was feeling frisky along the lines of I'm gonna stroke your dick, and I'm gonna lick your gooch at the same time. I don't know what came over me, but I went in and did it. A surprised Mr. J was in enjoyment. After my trip further down south, my mouth and hands began to work on his dick again. I could feel it in his breathing, it was almost time. "Oh, my fuckin god baby! Baby, I'm fuckin close" he was telling me while rubbing the back of my head. He tried to pull me off, but in turn that only made me suck on his dick more. And then... the sweetest nectar began to fill my mouth and slide down my throat. A warm and familiar sensation. I had swallowed every drop he shot until his dick had no remaining evidence left. He lifted my head away for a kiss.

Apparently, tonight was a frisky night for me, as Mr. J and I kissed again, I reached down and played with his dick. I felt his hand wrap around mine and began to gently stroke his dick together. He moaned into my mouth. To my surprise, I felt his dick get stiff again. With the amount of cum he shot out, I would've expected him to be knocked out for a hot minute. This was not the case. "There's no way he can cum again" I thought to myself. As the kissing and stroking progressed, his dick went from flaccid to rock hard. I kept working at it. My legs were asleep at this point. I had come this far (no pun intended) and I'm not a quitter, I started this, let me finish it. An endless parade of Mr. J's 'baby' and moaning filled the silent abyss of my dark living room as my mouth once again began to suck on his dick. I took a quick glance at Mr. J and saw that the time was upon me and much to my delight, was greeted by the sweet nectar of his cum once again dancing on my tastebuds, and sliding down my esophagus.

As the kissing history of post-nut clarity repeated itself, naked, exposed, and satisfied, Mr. J and I were cuddled up on the ugly couch whose fibers had held every single one of our passionate sexscapades. Kissing each other, my head on his chest. His hands ran through my hair then gradually locking with my free hand. "Oh yeah, Happy Birthday" Mr. J had said to me and had kissed me after I had thanked him. An hour passed as we dozed off. It was the perfect send-off to my 20s and a warm hello to my 30s. As we helped each other get dressed, I felt blissful at that moment. Abbi Jacobs from Broad City once said to Ilana Glazer in episode 10 of season 1: "Oprah says that your birthday dictates the kind of year you're about to have" and I couldn't agree more with this statement.

Mr. J, thanks for the experience, you truly are a master of your craft, and have made the start of my 30s a great one
love this!
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