A History of Dom / Sub 🔥


Cherished Member
Aug 27, 2024
50% Straight, 50% Gay
The oldest sharpened axe found is from roughly 50,000 years ago, which means we’ve been chopping firewood practically forever. 🪵🪓 To chop and cart wood properly requires physical power, so it’s no fucking surprise that, along with beauty, strength has been highly valued since day one. 💪 So much so that strength helped define who you could fuck till relatively recently. For the vast majority of human history, so long as you were dominant in something like age, status or strength, you could fuck who you wanted.🤤 Submissives were treated differently in different places and times, sometimes terribly (but then again, a sub of a Roman Emperor had a city named after him).🏛️

The dominant-submissive idea was so commonplace in ancient times that one of the main ways Hebrews stood out from everyone else was forbidding same-sex fucking under the label of ‘sodomy’ (after the city of Sodom which was effectively nuked by God because he was pissed at their perverse partying).🙈 Medieval Christianity took this on in the Old Testament, but still didn’t go as far as labelling people’s sexual identity - just that they sinned.🚫 A wife’s husband who fucked another man was still her husband, albeit a naughty one.🤬 It’s only in the last couple of hundred years have we identified who we want to fuck in terms of heterosexual, homosexual or otherwise. 😍This new way of looking at things didn’t happen by accident but was part of a revolution in thought led by the juggernaut German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who believed we could rationally discover the identity of things, including ourselves.🧐

Kant was responding to the brilliant Scottish philosopher David Hume, who claimed everything was too complex to identify clearly and sometimes resisted being identified at all.😶‍🌫️ Hume would say our old way of thinking about who we like to fuck was actually a fluid interplay between our feelings, what we think about ourselves and the society we live in. Therefore, no matter how hard we try by using new Kantian labels, lurking behind this civilized veil remains the age-old Humean dominant-submissive allure.😈 An allure which can challenge our rational sense of self if we discover we crave to fuck someone we didn’t expect.🥵

I lean towards Hume in acknowledging the human experience is too nuanced and subjective to exist under an umbrella of labels, but the two labels I am VERY comfortable with is "gay" and "submissive" because I've never not been either since the second I became aware of sexuality at all.
I lean towards Hume in acknowledging the human experience is too nuanced and subjective to exist under an umbrella of labels, but the two labels I am VERY comfortable with is "gay" and "submissive" because I've never not been either since the second I became aware of sexuality at all.
I didn't say they weren't useful 🙂

I think Hume has won, it just took a couple of hundred years to realise it. And I'm not talking just figuratively...if we succumb to AI, it will be thinking in a Humean way, not Kantian. Then we'll all have to get used to be submissive lol
  • Haha
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I didn't say they weren't useful 🙂

I think Hume has won, it just took a couple of hundred years to realise it. And I'm not talking just figuratively...if we succumb to AI, it will be thinking in a Humean way, not Kantian. Then we'll all have to get used to be submissive lol
I already have a head start!