A serious footer


Experimental Member
May 24, 2004
so im finishing up college.. when i was in high school my dick was above average.. around 10".. not very thick though.. i played football and was called anaconda by my teamates.. i got alot of play and loved it..
but now (im 21 years old) when im extremely hard i have a full length of just about 12" long, and not VERy thick, but decent sized. I love looking at it (im built, but skinny so it shows more on me then someone really juiced up, or really fat).. and am starting to think im obsessed. i mean im used to it by now, but i find myself always bringing it up.. when going out im like dying to mention that i have a 12" dick.. maybe im just going through some weird horny stage but my friends who once thought i was "da man" are now starting to get annoyed.. how can i stop? i have alot going for me in my career path but feel like maybe i should look into porn or something related to my size.. my current field of study is a great one, but the money (at least in the beginning) sucks.
Remember one thing when using the word "obsession" -- that, somehow, your dick size is beginning to adversely affect your relationships with people, work, school, or what not. I can imagine that if you can't help but bring up your penis size around your friends whenever you go out, that, sooner or later, you're going to aggravate people.

Let's be clear. There's nothing wrong with being proud of what you've got, 'cause, let's be honest, many, many guys out there would kill for a fraction of your hardon or maybe just another inch or two more on their own. Penis size is strongly yet subtly linked to masculinity, power, virility, etc. If you've got a big dick, quite literally, you're the man.

At the same time, to hold something that sizeable in the trousers demands quite a bit of responsibility. There's no simple answer to your question, "How do I stop?" You just do. Or rather, you'll soon find out that your friends won't be so willing to include you in their social activities because they'll perceive you to be a shallow jerk, a braggart, or something like that. People like that are no fun to be around, and if people start slowly drawing away from you, it's time to recognize what you might be doing to isolate yourself socially. If you care about your friends or you're sensitive to them turning their backs on you, I'm sure an apology would be a good first step. Follow that up with a conscious effort not to brag so much.

And the porn thing? Dude, get your education first and start exploring your field a little more before you resign yourself to the industry. It's as easy as that. Go at it a few years and get some experience. If you hate your field that much, well, by all means, change careers -- and if porn seems like the green light for you, get as much inside information on the industry before you start signing up.
Originally posted by 12incollege@Sep 28 2004, 05:38 AM
but now (im 21 years old) when im extremely hard i have a full length of just about 12" long, and not VERy thick, but decent sized. I love looking at it (im built, but skinny so it shows more on me then someone really juiced up, or really fat).. and am starting to think im obsessed. i mean im used to it by now, but i find myself always bringing it up.. when going out im like dying to mention that i have a 12" dick..
[post=257696]Quoted post[/post]​

Bud, I think you need to get some outside interests for topics of conversation. I&#39;ve been carrying over 12" since 17, and while everyone seems to know or can tell that I&#39;m packin&#39;, I&#39;m never the first to bring it up....unless it&#39;s someone I want to play with <g> I&#39;m pushing into my sophomore year of college and really enjoying the trade policy field that I&#39;ve gotten into. My size helped me make connections with a number of well-placed lawyers and lobbyists in DC, including getting a great summer internship that has led to incidental follow-on work with the firm. I&#39;ve thought about porn a lot, as have my brothers, but a cool white-collar job without the ugly underbelly of porn (drugs, crime) seems a lot more appealing.

I have to be naive and ask how your size has helped you get an internship job in DC?

Details pleezzzz...
Originally posted by monsternmypant@Sep 29 2004, 09:54 AM
My size helped me make connections with a number of well-placed lawyers and lobbyists in DC, including getting a great summer internship that has led to incidental follow-on work with the firm.
[post=257810]Quoted post[/post]​

I&#39;m curious as to how exactly this occurred. Was your endowment a topic of public conversation on K Street? "My word, son, you have a gigantic penis&#33; I have just the right position for you in my lobbying firm&#33;&#33;"

Really ... I am NOT trying to be a smartass ... just genuinely wondering how I can better use my schlong to advance my career ... LOL

~ Steve ;)
Originally posted by Steve26@Sep 29 2004, 08:55 PM
I&#39;m curious as to how exactly this occurred. Was your endowment a topic of public conversation on K Street? "My word, son, you have a gigantic penis&#33; I have just the right position for you in my lobbying firm&#33;&#33;"

[post=257862]Quoted post[/post]​

Hehehe.... I hooked up with this hot young lawyer around Christmas last year, messed around a few times and got to like each other. Then, in the spring he mentioned the firm was looking for interns and that he was being asked to supervise one. I applied without any special influence from him, interviewed with some of the senior associates and a partner, then he managed to get me assigned to him. To the firm it seemed like a natural fit, as my bud had told me a lot about his issues and international clients. Great cover for a summer of learning, in many ways for both of us&#33;
