A very suggestive email from my boss


Cherished Member
Nov 5, 2019
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hi guys, I've had this idea for a story a while ago, but I never got around to writing more than a first chapter. I'm posting my first chapter + 6 more chapters I made with the help of AI. This is the reason why some phrasing might sound repetitive, but I think it turned out to be a very hot story after all, so enjoy!


Chapter One: The email

4:57pm on a Friday. It’s almost time to go home, when I see an email notification pop up. A message from Mr. Axton, my boss.

I work at a law firm as Mr. Axton’s secretary. I’ve worked for him for 1 1/2 years and I do like my job. I didn’t make any friends yet at the office, but everyone’s friendly with each other so there’s a good atmosphere at work and I don’t mind being here. I’m the youngest person working at our office. I’m 24, Mr. Axton is in his late 40s and the other partners’ secretaries are older ladies. Mr. Axton is a great boss. He allows me plenty of time off and I think we work well together, but I don’t really know much about him other than he seems to like working out as he’s always arriving with a gym bag. Other than that he keeps private and we only speak about work, which is why I find this email he sends me rather confusing.


I’m working on a new project for which I likely require your assistance. To see if you’re the right fit for this project, I need you to send me two photographs of yourself. Full body, nude, front and back.

Please send them over by Monday morning.

Thank you,
J. Axton”

Am I reading this correctly? I read through the email again, and again, and a third time. I lean back to peak into Mr. Axton’s office but he seems to already have left without me noticing. Is this a mistake? A typo? What else could he mean? Whatever it is, I have until Monday to figure it out, so I decide to head home. I keep repeating the message in my head on the way. Mr. Axton’s never asked anything like this of me, so I really don’t know where this is coming from. At the same time, I’m an excited by the thought of complying and actually send him two nude photos of myself. I wonder what this project might be and why the hell would he need those photographs for it?

At home I show the email to my roommate Ben. He looks at me puzzled and just goes “What the hell? Do you need to go to HR?” “I don’t think so”, I say, “He’s really nice to me. I can’t imagine him having bad intentions.” “What if this some kind of shades of gray situation? Show me a picture of him!” I pull up Mr. Axton’s photo and show it to Ben. “Oh my god, do it! He’s so hot, you never told me your boss is such a daddy!” I laugh. “Do you really think so? What if I misunderstood the email?” “That email is very clear, Dom. Also, there’s no way of going back to normal after this. I think you have to go for it or start looking for another job.” “You’re right, fuck it. Let’s go. Will you take the photos?” Ben laughs. “Sure, man. Get naked.”

We take two full body nudes, one from the front and one from the back and I send my email.

“Dear Mr. Axton,

Please find the requested photos attached to this email.

Wishing you a good weekend.

Best regards,

The rest of the weekend I feel super restless. I keep thinking about what Mr. Axton will say. What will he do? There’s only one way to find out and that is to wait until Monday.
Chapter Two: The Project

On Monday morning, I arrive at the office with a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling in my stomach. The usual hum of the workplace feels louder, each sound amplified by my anticipation. I can’t shake the memory of my decision over the weekend, nor the thrill that comes with it.

As I settle into my desk, I find it hard to concentrate. The clock seems to move in slow motion. I steal glances toward Mr. Axton’s office, half-hoping he’ll come out and acknowledge my bold move. The email was sent, and now I’m left to wonder what his reaction will be.

Around mid-morning, my heart races when I hear the soft knock on my cubicle wall. It’s Mr. Axton, looking impeccably dressed as always, his sharp features accentuated by the morning light. “Dominic,” he says, a slight smile playing on his lips. “Can we talk?”

I nod, trying to keep my expression neutral, though my insides are churning. He gestures for me to follow him into his office, and I comply, feeling the weight of his gaze on me as I walk.

Once inside, he closes the door behind us, creating a space that feels both intimate and charged. “I received your email,” he begins, his tone measured but warm. “Thank you for being so open.”

“Of course,” I reply, my voice steady despite the tremor of excitement. “I hope it’s what you were looking for.”

He steps closer, leaning against his desk, arms crossed. “You’ve always impressed me with your dedication and creativity, but this is… unexpected.” His eyes lock onto mine, and I can feel the air thickening between us.

“What exactly do you need them for?” I ask, trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism.

He chuckles softly, the tension easing slightly. “I’m working on a project that explores themes of vulnerability and trust in the workplace. Your willingness to share those photos is both brave and intriguing.”

I’m taken aback. My mind races. This isn’t just about some playful exchange; it’s an artistic endeavor. “I didn’t realize it was for a project like that.”

He steps even closer, his presence overwhelming in a way that both intimidates and excites me. “It’s more than just a project for me, Dominic. It’s about pushing boundaries and understanding ourselves better. If you’re comfortable, I’d love to explore this further with you.”

The heat in his gaze sends shivers down my spine. “What do you mean by ‘explore this further’?”

He smiles, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “I think we could collaborate. There’s a fine line between professionalism and personal exploration, and I’d like to see where that line takes us.”

I’m caught off guard, my heart racing at the implication of his words. “Are you suggesting…?”

“Yes,” he replies, his voice low and confident. “I’m suggesting we work together on this project, and perhaps discover what else we might be capable of together.”

The invitation hangs in the air, electrifying. I take a deep breath, considering the possibilities, the thrill of stepping into the unknown. “I’m intrigued, Mr. Axton. What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s start with a conversation,” he suggests, his eyes never leaving mine. “And then we’ll see where the day takes us.”

I nod, the adrenaline coursing through me, and for the first time, I feel the exhilarating rush of stepping off the ledge into something new—something dangerously thrilling that promises to blur the lines between work and desire.
Chapter Three: The Package

The rest of the day at the office flies by in a blur of adrenaline and anticipation. Each time I catch a glimpse of Mr. Axton, my heart races. Our earlier conversation lingers in the air, a promise of something more. As I wrap up my tasks for the day, I can't shake the feeling that I’m on the brink of something transformative.

When I finally head home, I find myself buzzing with excitement, but also a flutter of nerves. What could he be planning? I toss my bag onto my bed and head to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water. It’s then I notice a small package sitting on my doorstep.

Curious, I pick it up and examine it. It’s unmarked, with my name scrawled across the front. My heart skips a beat as I remember our conversation from earlier. Could this be from Mr. Axton?

I take it inside, setting it on the kitchen table. The anticipation is palpable as I tear open the packaging. Inside, I find a sleek black box. I open it slowly, revealing a tight black thong nestled within. My breath catches in my throat—its delicate fabric and minimal coverage scream boldness and seduction.

Along with the thong is a handwritten note on crisp stationery:


This is your first step into the project we discussed. Please wear this to work tomorrow. I’ll be keeping an eye out to see if you follow the instructions.

— J. Axton."

A thrill courses through me as I read his words. The combination of embarrassment and excitement sends heat to my cheeks. My mind races with possibilities. What does he expect to see? How will I feel wearing this under my clothes? The very thought sends shivers down my spine.

After a moment, I can’t help but laugh nervously. “What have I gotten myself into?” I whisper to myself, holding the thong up against my body. It’s a statement piece—definitely not something I would usually wear, especially at work.

As the evening drags on, I find myself unable to focus on anything else. I can only think of tomorrow, of slipping into this tiny garment and what it might mean for me and Mr. Axton. The lines of professionalism and personal connection have already begun to blur, and I feel a mixture of fear and exhilaration.

Finally, I decide to try it on. The moment I slip into the thong, I feel a rush of confidence, an unexpected empowerment. The fabric hugs my body perfectly, and I can’t help but admire myself in the mirror. This is bold. This is me stepping into uncharted territory.

I spend the night tossing and turning, my dreams filled with visions of Mr. Axton’s approving gaze. When morning finally arrives, I wake with an electrifying mix of eagerness and trepidation. After a quick shower, I don the thong beneath my usual attire—a fitted dress shirt and tailored pants that hide my secret.

As I step into the office, my heart pounds with every step. I can’t help but wonder if Mr. Axton will notice. Will he be able to tell that I’m wearing something so risqué beneath my clothes? The thrill of the unknown fuels my energy, and I feel more alive than ever.

Throughout the day, I catch glances of Mr. Axton from across the office. Each time our eyes meet, I feel a spark, an unspoken connection that pulls us closer. But it’s when he steps into my cubicle around mid-morning that my heart truly races.

“Dominic,” he says, his voice low and commanding. “Can we talk for a moment?”

I nod, feeling a rush of heat as I follow him to his office. Once inside, he shuts the door, creating an intimate space that feels charged with possibility.

“I trust you received my package?” he asks, a knowing smile on his face.

“I did,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

“And?” he leans closer, his eyes searching mine.

“I wore it,” I admit, my cheeks flushing.

Mr. Axton's eyes gleam with satisfaction as he hears my admission. He steps even closer, his presence overwhelming yet thrilling. "Good," he repeats, his voice a low, seductive purr. "I like a man who follows instructions."

I swallow hard, feeling the heat of his gaze on me. The air between us is thick with unspoken desires and expectations. "What happens now?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly.

He leans against his desk, crossing his arms. "From now on, Dominic, you will only wear thongs provided by me. They will either be sent to your house or given to you in person at the office." His eyes narrow slightly. "In the case of the latter, you will come to the office without any other underwear."

My heart races at his words. The thought of coming to work without any underwear is both terrifying and exhilarating. "I understand," I manage to say, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

He nods, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Good. I won’t tell you when the next one will arrive. Just know it will be soon." The comment hangs in the air, sending a jolt of anticipation through me.

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and excitement as I leave his office. The rest of the day passes in a blur of nervous energy. Each glance from Mr. Axton sends a thrill through me, knowing what lies beneath my clothes.

As I head home that evening, I can't help but feel a sense of dread and excitement. There's no package waiting for me at my doorstep, and tomorrow I’ll have to come to the office completely commando. The thought both terrifies and excites me.

That night, I toss and turn, my mind racing with thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. The lines between professionalism and personal exploration have blurred even further, and I can't help but feel a thrill at the thought of what lies ahead.
Chapter Four: The Green Thong

The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow over my bedroom. I wake with a mix of trepidation and anticipation. Today, I’ll be going to the office without any underwear, following Mr. Axton’s instructions. The thought sends a shiver down my spine, a blend of fear and excitement coursing through me.

After a quick shower, I dress in my usual attire—a fitted dress shirt and tailored pants. There’s a strange sense of vulnerability as I realize there’s nothing beneath my clothes. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, and head out the door.

The office hums with its usual energy as I step inside. Each step feels more pronounced, the absence of underwear a constant reminder of my situation. I catch glimpses of Mr. Axton from across the room, his presence a magnet drawing my attention. Each time our eyes meet, a thrill runs through me, the unspoken connection between us palpable.

Around mid-morning, my heart skips a beat when I hear the soft knock on my cubicle wall. It’s Mr. Axton, his sharp features accentuated by the morning light. “Dominic,” he says, his voice low and commanding. “Can we talk for a moment?”

I nod, feeling a rush of heat as I follow him to his office. Once inside, he closes the door behind us, creating an intimate space that feels charged with possibility. “I trust you followed my instructions again?” he asks, a knowing smile on his face.

“I did,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

His smile widens, and I can see the approval in his gaze. “Good.” He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a green thong with thin straps, its delicate fabric gleaming under the office lights. “Today, you’ll wear this.”

My breath catches in my throat. “Take off your pants,” he instructs, his voice firm yet gentle.

I hesitate for a moment, then comply, unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. I step out of them, standing before him in just my shirt. Mr. Axton gets on one knee and holds out the thong for me to step into it. I hold on to his shoulder while I step into the thong with first my left and then my right leg. Mr. Axton observes while my penis is just inches from his face.

He pulls the thong up, his hands brushing against my skin. I feel it settle tightly around my bulge and ass, the sensation both intimate and thrilling. “Beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice low and appreciative. “Your ass is perfect.”

The compliment sends a flush of heat through me, my cheeks burning with embarrassment and excitement. He steps back, his eyes lingering on me for a moment before he gestures for me to put my pants back on. “You can go back to work now,” he says, his tone professional but with a hint of warmth.

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration as I leave his office. The rest of the day passes in a blur of nervous energy, each glance from Mr. Axton sending a thrill through me. The green thong feels like a second skin, a constant reminder of the connection between us.

As the day draws to a close, I head home, my mind racing with thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. When I arrive, I find a small package waiting for me on my doorstep. Inside, I find a pink thong, its delicate fabric a stark contrast to the black and green ones before.

A thrill of anticipation courses through me as I hold the thong up to the light. Tomorrow, I’ll wear this.
Chapter Five: The Pink Thong

The morning begins with a thrill of anticipation as I slide into the pink thong, its soft fabric hugging my body snugly. I admire myself in the mirror, feeling a rush of confidence. The delicate straps sit perfectly against my skin, a bold choice for the day ahead. The rest of my outfit follows—a fitted dress shirt and tailored pants that conceal my secret. As I step out the door, I can’t shake the feeling that today will be anything but ordinary.

The workday unfolds in a standard rhythm, the usual hum of phones ringing and keyboards clacking filling the air. I dive into my tasks, focusing on spreadsheets and emails, but the thrill of the pink thong lingers in my mind, a constant reminder of the connection between Mr. Axton and me. I catch glimpses of him throughout the day, his presence magnetic, but I push aside any thoughts of our previous encounters, determined to maintain professionalism.

As the end of the workday arrives, I find myself both relieved and anxious. Just as I begin to wrap up my tasks, I hear the familiar knock on my cubicle wall. My heart skips a beat as I see Mr. Axton standing there, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Dominic," he says, his voice low and commanding. "Can we talk for a moment?"

I nod, feeling a rush of heat as I follow him to his office. Once inside, he closes the door behind us, creating an intimate space that feels charged with possibility. "I want to see the pink thong on you," he says, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I hesitate for a moment, then comply, unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. I step out of them, then remove my shirt, standing before him in just the pink thong. The fabric hugs my body tightly, accentuating my form.

Mr. Axton steps closer, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. "Turn around," he instructs, his voice low and appreciative.

I do as he says, feeling a flush of heat as his gaze travels over my body. He reaches out, pulling the straps of the thong, adjusting them slightly. His fingers graze my ass, sending a shiver down my spine. "Beautiful," he murmurs, his voice filled with approval.

He pulls out his phone, taking several photos of me from different angles. The flash of the camera adds to the surrealness of the moment, making me feel both exposed and exhilarated. "Perfect," he says, his voice filled with satisfaction.

He steps back, his eyes lingering on me for a moment before he gestures for me to put my clothes back on. "You can go home now," he says, his tone professional but with a hint of warmth.

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration as I leave his office. The rest of the day passes in a blur of nervous energy, each glance from Mr. Axton sending a thrill through me. The pink thong feels like a second skin, a constant reminder of the connection between us.

As the day draws to a close, I head home, my mind racing with thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. When I arrive, I find a small package waiting for me on my doorstep. Inside, I find a red thong, its delicate fabric a stark contrast to the pink one before. Alongside it is a small steel buttplug with a red crystal at the end.

A thrill of anticipation courses through me as I hold the thong and buttplug up to the light. A note from Mr. Axton reads:


Wear both tomorrow.

— J. Axton."

The thought of wearing the red thong and buttplug to work sends a shiver down my spine. The lines between professionalism and personal exploration have blurred even further, and I can't help but feel a thrill at the thought of what lies ahead.
Chapter Six: The Red Thong and the Buttplug

Friday morning dawns with a mix of excitement and trepidation. I wake early, the anticipation of the day ahead making it hard to sleep. After a quick shower, I prepare myself for the day’s events. I hold the red thong and the steel buttplug in my hands, feeling the weight of the crystal at the end.

I decide to wet the buttplug with saliva before inserting it. I place it in my mouth, coating it thoroughly, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of my mouth. Once it’s slick, I position it at my entrance, feeling the initial chill as it slides inside. The sensation is both cold and exhilarating, the plug settling snugly inside me.

I then slip into the red thong, the fabric hugging my body tightly. The combination of the thong and the buttplug feels intimate and bold, a constant reminder of the connection between Mr. Axton and me. I dress in my usual attire, feeling the slight pressure of the plug with every move.

The workday unfolds in a standard rhythm, but the presence of the buttplug makes every step feel more pronounced. I feel slightly aroused, the sensation of the plug inside me a constant reminder of the week’s events. I catch glimpses of Mr. Axton throughout the day, his presence magnetic, but I push aside any thoughts of our previous encounters, determined to maintain professionalism.

As the end of the workday approaches, the office buzzes with excitement. It’s Friday, and everyone is looking forward to drinks on the roof terrace. I join my colleagues, feeling the warmth of the evening sun and the camaraderie of the group. Two drinks in, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s Mr. Axton, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Dominic," he says, his voice low and commanding. "Please follow me to my office."

I nod, feeling a rush of heat as I follow him. Once inside, he closes the door behind us, creating an intimate space that feels charged with possibility. "This week has been exhilarating," he says, his voice filled with emotion. "I’ve been thinking about you every night."

His words send a shiver down my spine. He steps closer, his eyes locking onto mine. "Strip down to your thong," he instructs, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I comply, unbuttoning and unzipping my pants, then removing my shirt. I stand before him in just the red thong, the buttplug inside me a constant reminder of our connection. Mr. Axton’s eyes scan me from head to toe, his gaze filled with appreciation.

He steps closer, his hands reaching out to cup my ass. "Beautiful," he murmurs, his voice filled with approval. He leans in, his lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss. His hands roam over my body, the sensation both intimate and thrilling.

He pulls back slightly, his eyes locking onto mine. "Lay down on the table," he instructs, his voice low and commanding.

I do as he says, laying face down on the table. He slowly pulls down my thong, exposing my ass with the buttplug inside. He plays with it a little, the sensation sending shivers through me. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, he pulls it out, leaving my butthole slightly gaping.

The sensation is both intense and exhilarating. Mr. Axton’s hands roam over my ass, his touch sending waves of pleasure through me. Then, without warning, he leans down and begins to rim me, his tongue exploring my entrance with a mix of tenderness and intensity.
Chapter Seven: The Passionate Encounter

Mr. Axton’s tongue continues its exploration, sending waves of pleasure through me. The sensation is both intense and exhilarating, my body responding to his touch in ways I hadn’t anticipated. After a few moments, he pulls back, his eyes locking onto mine with a mix of tenderness and intensity.

He turns me around, his hands moving to unbutton his pants. With a slow, deliberate motion, he frees his hard, long, and thick penis from his briefs. The sight of his massive penis sends a shiver through me, my arousal evident.

Mr. Axton’s hands move to the rest of his clothes, taking off one piece after another until we are both naked. I take a moment to admire him, his muscular and big frame, the hair covering his broad chest and stomach. He is a vision of strength and masculinity, and the sight of him sends a thrill through me.

I open my mouth and place it gently over the head of Mr. Axton's penis. It feels warm on my tongue and the more of him I take into my mouth, the more I feel how big he really is. He pushes into my throat and I start tasting his pre. I am so filled with lust for this man that I cannot contain myself any longer.

Taking initiative, I look into his eyes and say, "I want you inside of me."

His eyes darken with desire, and he nods, his hands moving to guide me back onto the table. I lay face down, my body trembling with anticipation. He positions himself behind me, his hands gently spreading my cheeks. With a slow, deliberate motion, he enters me, the sensation both intense and exhilarating.

We move together in a rhythm that feels both natural and passionate. His hands roam over my body, his touch sending waves of pleasure through me. The connection between us is palpable, our bodies moving in perfect harmony.

As we continue, the intensity builds, the pleasure overwhelming. I can feel the pressure building inside me, the sensation of him inside me pushing me closer to the edge. With a final, powerful thrust, we both reach our climax, Mr. Axton inside me, my body trembling with the force of my orgasm.

We collapse onto the table, our bodies still connected, the aftershocks of our orgasms rippling through us. The room is filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing, the connection between us still strong.

After a few moments, Mr. Axton pulls out, his hands gently caressing my back. We lay there for a while, the intimacy of the moment settling over us. Finally, he helps me up, his hands guiding me to a chair.

"That was... incredible," he says, his voice filled with emotion.

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. "Yes, it was."

We sit in silence for a while, the intimacy of the moment settling over us. Finally, Mr. Axton stands, his hands moving to help me dress. As we finish, he looks into my eyes and says, "Thank you, Dominic. That was something I’ll never forget."

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. "Thank you, Mr. Axton. That was... unforgettable."

We leave the office, the connection between us still strong. As I head home, I think about wanting nothing more than having another week like this.
I'm sorry to say that I lost interest in this A1 story instantly as it has such a ridiculous opening...it's got to be credible to engage attention, this is juvenile fantasy! .
  • Haha
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