Accidental Orgasms??!!


Expert Member
Jul 25, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Hey ladies

Two questions for your ponderance if I may

This thread 'Accidental orgasms scenes' often humoured and bewildered me a little when it comes around to the top on the feed over and over again. Now I know that not all women orgasm all (or even some) of the time but imho wouldn't that be the aim or goal (something that doesn't always happen and it is not the be all and end all, but is kind of good when it happens) when having sex? Is there really such a thing as an accidental orgasm when having sex or have I misinterpreted this thread althogether?

My second question is not when you are having sex. Have there been everyday activities and what were they, where you have personally achieved an 'accidental' orgasm (or come close-so to speak)?.

Thanks for any insights ladies
I doubt there's such a thing as accidental orgasms. They might be unexpected or earlier than anticipated though. More or less like when you guys come prematurely.

I've had a few orgasms during the years really fast but I've been in the mood already, so they were not accidental - just pretty darn quick.
Not for me. I’m pretty orgasmic, but that doesn’t mean that it occurs without the stars being aligned, holding my tongue in the right spot, and hearing the hooting of three owls at midnight. I just know how to make it happen. Mostly. It’s certainly no accident, though.
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Like, I tripped over my cat and landed on a vibrator?

Universally theoretical? Possible.

Person actuality? Trip over the cat, highly probable. Sticking the landing on a vibrator?I'd poke my eye out :confused:

I have never orgasmed from being poked in the eye. I do yell some of the same words during orgasm and post eye gouging. But..ya..know...different order and inflection.
Accidental orgasm like riding down a cobblestone road on a bicycle with a hard seat bouncing up and down the whole time with a bra that's too loose and shorts so tight they're about to cut me in two?

Yeah, I never had one of those, but I'm almost certain the guy following me in a car refusing to pass me might have.