Advice needed for new long distance


Expert Member
Mar 23, 2024
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Hey y’all, relatively new member here who needs some relationship advice.

I’ve been with my gf for about a year and a half. We’re really happy together, I’d say. We have great and active professional lives and enjoy our friend groups. Our arguments aren’t frequent, but they are sort of complicated. I’ll just say that what it revolves around is me being conflict averse and her laying down really rigid but unclear boundaries with things that, to me, deserve some compromise or explanation. I can give examples later on if it’s helpful, but I just think it’s important to say that this is a feature of her personality, which is otherwise very well adjusted and extremely charming and cool. (I think this impulse comes from a past bf who was maybe controlling and tightly-wound. So now she’s like the other extreme: she owes me no explanation for anything and can lay down her boundaries without compromise on anything.) Our sex life was always pretty good; the biggest thing that got in the way was how busy we were. But she was usually down once or twice a week and into trying new things.

So, we became long distance (and I mean long distance) about a month ago, likely for two years. In the weeks leading up to the move I gave everything I had to helping her prepare for this big life change, setting my needs and obligations aside to focus on supporting her. I wouldn’t have done it any other way. But this is to say, it was a chaotic time, and while I would have liked to focus on us a bit more, she was fixated on endless goodbye parties and, understandably, the emotions of such a big change. She was entirely resistant to sex during this period and I felt guilty voicing any needs of my own or for our relationship, sexual or otherwise. Regardless, I don’t think we spent enough time discussing how we would communicate once we were long distance. Our first week apart I woke up horny one day and texted her something flirtatious. She responded as if she wasn’t interested, almost like she was doing something else, though I knew she wasn't. I took the hint. I tried initiating something another time and she flat out said, “not into stuff on the phone.” And that was it. I was sort of taken aback but wanted to be understanding. I thought, surely she isn’t saying she doesn’t foresee any sexual interaction for the next two years, except for the few weeks we’ll be physically near one another…

I tested the waters again this morning, telling her how much I miss her, being sexy and romantic, talking about how much I missed holding her in the morning, feeling her hand around my big morning wood, etc. She responded alright-ish to that, but I sent her a pic of my bulge and she didn’t respond. I asked her what was up and after a few minutes of silence, she completely blatantly just told me she wasn’t into doing anything over the phone. But almost in half sentence tone, like when you are at a work meeting trying to urgently text something brief and important to someone. Then I said something like, 'aw man!', in what I thought was good humor, and she told me to go jack off to porn.

If we knew for a year that we would be long distance, and I just assumed that, of course, from time to time we would have phone sex, exchange pics, etc. Not that it’s my preference, but the alternative is not maintaining any intimacy and basically becoming just a pen pal. I didn’t respond well this morning after the porn comment, and said I really wished we had discussed this before she left; long-distance couples need to have some sort of strategy for maintaining their sex lives, and we can’t just avoid it for four months or we’ll lose our connection. It’s just nuts to me that she thought this didn’t warrant any conversation or explanation: almost like, no we're in a sexless relationship, bye. Now it’s like, if I try to initiate sex—something I am actually sensitive about—I’m overthinking it because of the fear of being rejected weighed against the longterm ramifications of having no intimate connection. Over the course of our conversation she became defensive and it wasn’t productive. She said she wasn't comfortable talking to me about this. Maybe there's more to the story? We agreed we would talk about it later.

Anyhow, I am writing here to ask generally, men and women, gay and straight, single and married for 50 years: what do you think? Is there a productive strategy for managing this? Has anyone dealt with this in long distance relationships? I guess for me, even just feeling that she is wiling to compromise a little bit would go a long way. I really don’t see this as the stereotypical problem where the dude wants to get his dick wet and feels ownership over his girlfriend or wife. To me, it’s the absolutist, nonchalant “no, never” that comes without conversation or sensitivity, which just makes me anxious because it’s like a sign she doesn’t care about our relationship. I don’t see it as a question of my needs, but the needs of our relationship?

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for your thoughts.
Hey y’all. Re: my gf of ~ 1.5 years: We became long distance ~ a month ago. I helped her prepare for her move many weeks before. She was resistant to sex during that period. Week 1 apart: horny me sexted her one morning. She wasn’t interested. The next sexting time she said “not into stuff on the phone.” I was taken aback. Surely she wasn’t saying no such sexual interaction for the next two years - save for the few weeks we'd be physically together. This morning, again told her I missed feeling her hand around my big morning wood, etc. She responded OK, but when I sent her a pic of my bulge she didn’t respond. I asked why? The reply: She wasn’t into phone sex. From her tone I suspected she was in a work meeting. I thought <it was> good humor, she told me go jack off to porn.
..........................I assumed we'd have phone sex, exchange pics, etc. The alternative was no intimacy, becoming just a pen pal. I wished we'd discussed this before she left- i.e. a long-distance couple's strategy for maintaining their sex lives. We can’t avoid it for 4 months or we’ll lose our connection. We're in a sexless relationship. I fear being rejected as a long-term ramification of having no intimate connection. She said she wasn't comfortable talking to me about this subject.? We agreed to talk about it later. What do you think?

Hi Oltremaso. I'm going to refer to your friend as Gail. Gail now lives and works abroad. You are disregarding her right to say "No" to you with regard to receiving/doing phone sex, pictures, sexting and even discussing your sex life. Stop doing that. Respect her autonomy and realize without her consent there will be no discussion regarding your relationship issues or sex. I hope someday she will have that in person discussion with you. However you've described Gail as a "My way or the highway" type person. If you can't dwell together happily, on her terms, you'll have to find someone else to live with.
Hi Oltremaso. I'm going to refer to your friend as Gail. Gail now lives and works abroad. You are disregarding her right to say "No" to you with regard to receiving/doing phone sex, pictures, sexting and even discussing your sex life. Stop doing that. Respect her autonomy and realize without her consent there will be no discussion regarding your relationship issues or sex. I hope someday she will have that in person discussion with you. However you've described Gail as a "My way or the highway" type person. If you can't dwell together happily, on her terms, you'll have to find someone else to live with.
Thanks man. She has every right to say no. It just took me by surprise and made me worry about our relationship. I appreciate your honesty w me.
I don’t really have any strategy to share but I just wanted to tell you that I get you.

I have dated people long distance and with one I don’t remember having phone sex or such. With the other, we had lots of phone sex and sexy pics all the time. I prefer the second type. lol.

I would try to communicate your needs to your gf more. At some point you guys need to talk it out and get to an understanding. Otherwise you have some decisions to make. Good luck!
Hey y’all, relatively new member here who needs some relationship advice.

I’ve been with my gf for about a year and a half. We’re really happy together, I’d say. We have great and active professional lives and enjoy our friend groups. Our arguments aren’t frequent, but they are sort of complicated. I’ll just say that what it revolves around is me being conflict averse and her laying down really rigid but unclear boundaries with things that, to me, deserve some compromise or explanation. I can give examples later on if it’s helpful, but I just think it’s important to say that this is a feature of her personality, which is otherwise very well adjusted and extremely charming and cool. (I think this impulse comes from a past bf who was maybe controlling and tightly-wound. So now she’s like the other extreme: she owes me no explanation for anything and can lay down her boundaries without compromise on anything.) Our sex life was always pretty good; the biggest thing that got in the way was how busy we were. But she was usually down once or twice a week and into trying new things.

So, we became long distance (and I mean long distance) about a month ago, likely for two years. In the weeks leading up to the move I gave everything I had to helping her prepare for this big life change, setting my needs and obligations aside to focus on supporting her. I wouldn’t have done it any other way. But this is to say, it was a chaotic time, and while I would have liked to focus on us a bit more, she was fixated on endless goodbye parties and, understandably, the emotions of such a big change. She was entirely resistant to sex during this period and I felt guilty voicing any needs of my own or for our relationship, sexual or otherwise. Regardless, I don’t think we spent enough time discussing how we would communicate once we were long distance. Our first week apart I woke up horny one day and texted her something flirtatious. She responded as if she wasn’t interested, almost like she was doing something else, though I knew she wasn't. I took the hint. I tried initiating something another time and she flat out said, “not into stuff on the phone.” And that was it. I was sort of taken aback but wanted to be understanding. I thought, surely she isn’t saying she doesn’t foresee any sexual interaction for the next two years, except for the few weeks we’ll be physically near one another…

I tested the waters again this morning, telling her how much I miss her, being sexy and romantic, talking about how much I missed holding her in the morning, feeling her hand around my big morning wood, etc. She responded alright-ish to that, but I sent her a pic of my bulge and she didn’t respond. I asked her what was up and after a few minutes of silence, she completely blatantly just told me she wasn’t into doing anything over the phone. But almost in half sentence tone, like when you are at a work meeting trying to urgently text something brief and important to someone. Then I said something like, 'aw man!', in what I thought was good humor, and she told me to go jack off to porn.

If we knew for a year that we would be long distance, and I just assumed that, of course, from time to time we would have phone sex, exchange pics, etc. Not that it’s my preference, but the alternative is not maintaining any intimacy and basically becoming just a pen pal. I didn’t respond well this morning after the porn comment, and said I really wished we had discussed this before she left; long-distance couples need to have some sort of strategy for maintaining their sex lives, and we can’t just avoid it for four months or we’ll lose our connection. It’s just nuts to me that she thought this didn’t warrant any conversation or explanation: almost like, no we're in a sexless relationship, bye. Now it’s like, if I try to initiate sex—something I am actually sensitive about—I’m overthinking it because of the fear of being rejected weighed against the longterm ramifications of having no intimate connection. Over the course of our conversation she became defensive and it wasn’t productive. She said she wasn't comfortable talking to me about this. Maybe there's more to the story? We agreed we would talk about it later.

Anyhow, I am writing here to ask generally, men and women, gay and straight, single and married for 50 years: what do you think? Is there a productive strategy for managing this? Has anyone dealt with this in long distance relationships? I guess for me, even just feeling that she is wiling to compromise a little bit would go a long way. I really don’t see this as the stereotypical problem where the dude wants to get his dick wet and feels ownership over his girlfriend or wife. To me, it’s the absolutist, nonchalant “no, never” that comes without conversation or sensitivity, which just makes me anxious because it’s like a sign she doesn’t care about our relationship. I don’t see it as a question of my needs, but the needs of our relationship?

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for your thoughts.
Dude, sorry to say this but she didn't care much about your relationship when you were together, and now she cares even less.
Everything you wrote suggests that it's time to give up on her and find somebody who's willing to meet you more or less half way.
it's weird to me that you guys didn't discuss this before she moved.
Me too.
You can't assume anything when they will be a huge change.
You need to talk her about and be totally clear : explain what you have written here directly.
It seems they are toon of things you don't knew about the other.
Long distance is usually doomed. Even a six-week trip to another country was like a red rag to my ex, after two weeks alone, apart from the dog, he went out and hit the meat racks - though he denied it vehemently.
Suddenly the idea that he could was enough even after 8 long happy years.
  • Wow
Reactions: Oltremaso
Hey y’all, relatively new member here who needs some relationship advice.

I’ve been with my gf for about a year and a half. We’re really happy together, I’d say. We have great and active professional lives and enjoy our friend groups. Our arguments aren’t frequent, but they are sort of complicated. I’ll just say that what it revolves around is me being conflict averse and her laying down really rigid but unclear boundaries with things that, to me, deserve some compromise or explanation. I can give examples later on if it’s helpful, but I just think it’s important to say that this is a feature of her personality, which is otherwise very well adjusted and extremely charming and cool. (I think this impulse comes from a past bf who was maybe controlling and tightly-wound. So now she’s like the other extreme: she owes me no explanation for anything and can lay down her boundaries without compromise on anything.) Our sex life was always pretty good; the biggest thing that got in the way was how busy we were. But she was usually down once or twice a week and into trying new things.

So, we became long distance (and I mean long distance) about a month ago, likely for two years. In the weeks leading up to the move I gave everything I had to helping her prepare for this big life change, setting my needs and obligations aside to focus on supporting her. I wouldn’t have done it any other way. But this is to say, it was a chaotic time, and while I would have liked to focus on us a bit more, she was fixated on endless goodbye parties and, understandably, the emotions of such a big change. She was entirely resistant to sex during this period and I felt guilty voicing any needs of my own or for our relationship, sexual or otherwise. Regardless, I don’t think we spent enough time discussing how we would communicate once we were long distance. Our first week apart I woke up horny one day and texted her something flirtatious. She responded as if she wasn’t interested, almost like she was doing something else, though I knew she wasn't. I took the hint. I tried initiating something another time and she flat out said, “not into stuff on the phone.” And that was it. I was sort of taken aback but wanted to be understanding. I thought, surely she isn’t saying she doesn’t foresee any sexual interaction for the next two years, except for the few weeks we’ll be physically near one another…

I tested the waters again this morning, telling her how much I miss her, being sexy and romantic, talking about how much I missed holding her in the morning, feeling her hand around my big morning wood, etc. She responded alright-ish to that, but I sent her a pic of my bulge and she didn’t respond. I asked her what was up and after a few minutes of silence, she completely blatantly just told me she wasn’t into doing anything over the phone. But almost in half sentence tone, like when you are at a work meeting trying to urgently text something brief and important to someone. Then I said something like, 'aw man!', in what I thought was good humor, and she told me to go jack off to porn.

If we knew for a year that we would be long distance, and I just assumed that, of course, from time to time we would have phone sex, exchange pics, etc. Not that it’s my preference, but the alternative is not maintaining any intimacy and basically becoming just a pen pal. I didn’t respond well this morning after the porn comment, and said I really wished we had discussed this before she left; long-distance couples need to have some sort of strategy for maintaining their sex lives, and we can’t just avoid it for four months or we’ll lose our connection. It’s just nuts to me that she thought this didn’t warrant any conversation or explanation: almost like, no we're in a sexless relationship, bye. Now it’s like, if I try to initiate sex—something I am actually sensitive about—I’m overthinking it because of the fear of being rejected weighed against the longterm ramifications of having no intimate connection. Over the course of our conversation she became defensive and it wasn’t productive. She said she wasn't comfortable talking to me about this. Maybe there's more to the story? We agreed we would talk about it later.

Anyhow, I am writing here to ask generally, men and women, gay and straight, single and married for 50 years: what do you think? Is there a productive strategy for managing this? Has anyone dealt with this in long distance relationships? I guess for me, even just feeling that she is wiling to compromise a little bit would go a long way. I really don’t see this as the stereotypical problem where the dude wants to get his dick wet and feels ownership over his girlfriend or wife. To me, it’s the absolutist, nonchalant “no, never” that comes without conversation or sensitivity, which just makes me anxious because it’s like a sign she doesn’t care about our relationship. I don’t see it as a question of my needs, but the needs of our relationship?

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for your thoughts.
Just seeing this and I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I have to wonder how much stress she is under adjusting to the move and all that came with that. I'd give her some time and understanding and see where things go. If she comes around to being more engaging with you great. If not, she is giving you clear signs that a long distance relationship is not for her.

Take care!
In my past experiences.. long distant relationships never work
They certainly can work - but in my opinion, not forever. They can work for a number of months, maybe a year or so - but there has to be light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi F34 here

She' going to have to put in the effort as much as you are. You have expectations for your relationship and she should be told what these are in a clear manner. It's not a forcing situation but you can't hang about waiting on her throwing you a bone (pun intended). A picture when she's showerng, a msg to say how she's missing you etc, should be minimum effort for her. What I do think has happened is that she's protecting herself. She's shutting down before she finds out that you can't handle long distance. I do this as well as my walls come up before anyone can hurt me and that's because of past issues. So whilst you chat, maybe reassure her that although you want a show of electronic affection at least when your apart, it's not the most important part of your relationship. You just miss her and the sex is extra. She will be tired and stressed with hef new life also so her mind is kept busy whilst you are in limbo waiting on her coming back to you. Girls think if sex and get aroused much more differently to men. Maybe even start there by finding our how we tick and try to get on her level to see how she could be feeling. It all depends on if she's worth the effort. Lots of girls see these moments in time as a test to see how much you actually care. If you will fight enough for her it may be all she needs for reassurance.
Hi Oltremaso. I'm going to refer to your friend as Gail. Gail now lives and works abroad. You are disregarding her right to say "No" to you with regard to receiving/doing phone sex, pictures, sexting and even discussing your sex life. Stop doing that. Respect her autonomy and realize without her consent there will be no discussion regarding your relationship issues or sex. I hope someday she will have that in person discussion with you. However you've described Gail as a "My way or the highway" type person. If you can't dwell together happily, on her terms, you'll have to find someone else to live with.
Wow. i am kind of sick of male blaming culture we have these days. She can do whatever she wants He can't complain...... He is not disrepecting her autonomy- he is discovering her preference weeks after she left. in all honesty, it sounds like he is all in on this relationship and she is not. she has a right to say I m not in to phone stuff, but she has offered him nothing. i can understand not wanting to send photos etc, but in the old days, people would talk and the emotions would boil over and ..whatever no photos sent.
The problem here is it sounds as if she is distancing herself. the outcome of 2 years of nonintimacy is -no relationship. she might be rigid, have issues whatever, but its sounding to me like she made a decision already about this relation as evidenced by the "no intimacy" no sex while she was still in town.
You might want to ask her point blank what her intentions are, has she checked out on you- sounds pretty passive aggressive to me and by checking out your desire to pursue sex just seems needy to her.

the OP has a right to autonomy to- making decisions based on known facts. if she knows some facts (like planning abreak up, she should divulge before staring down the process without him- that is weakness). And if they are in a sexual relation it is not out of bounds for him to inquire what types of things she is ok with. He is expressing that by the way she is responding to him that he is picking up on a bigger issue (distant and not communicative). Just how will this work for 2 years? sounds like she is planning it not to in my opinion.
well i rewrote it to make more palateable, but wont allow me to edit. use this one :)
unpopular opinion here- i hope you can see we live in a male blaming culture we have these days. you put this all on him (even she's shuting down before she discovers "he" can't handle long distance?-how about she can't handle it or has moved on)- he might understand what makes her tick if she spoke to him about it. You did not suggest she should try to understand how he ticks and give him emotoinal support, or that she can't handle it. no responsibility on her for this relation. she does not seem to have tried (or knows and is sending a hint to leave) She can do whatever she wants He can't complain...... He is not disrespecting her autonomy in this situation- he did not push it- He asked. then he asked here. he is discovering her preference weeks after she left through weekly communicated responses that say only "no phone/video intimacy".

to be clear- she has a right to say I m not in to phone stuff or anything, but she has offered him nothing as an alternative as pointed out. i can understand not wanting to send photos etc, but in the old days, people would talk on the phone and the emotions would boil over etc. It sound like there is no emotional connection being given. she has offered him no view or explanation of what will work or what she wants (frequent visits, talk on phone? plenty of relations ships express desire and affection through conversation on phone, long calls etc- not hearing any of that) and cut off sex prior to leaving is a big indicator of her checking out on purpose. sounds a bit transactional and he does not suit her needs any more. that is what is making her tick. she has turned her attention away from him.

without explanation of what she wants or sees this working, she is not making an effort to make this work. He is detecting that through her actions due to her weak communication efforts an essentially being cut off. It is disrespectful of his autonomy.

Even if she has no intention of leaving-the outcome of 2 years of nonintimacy is predictable-no relationship.

to OP- you might want to ask her point blank what her intentions are, sounds pretty passive aggressive to me. but 2 years relationship will not survive with no or miscommunication.