No, this isn't about wrinkles and saggy bits... although my wife and I - now in our 50's and retired in a pleasant little green part of the world - certainly know about that... lol
A female former coworker of mine (also retired military) has long been considered a family friend. We're all friends on Facebook, etc... and she still lives an adventurous life, traveling the world as a contractor. Occasionally, she will post the odd half-naked fireman-calendar type of thing. I don't think anything of it, but my wife commented along the lines of "being too old for that" and that our son is that age and is similarly handsome and fit. In her mind, those other firemen are just little boys like the one she raised. She also grew up in a world that wasn't safe, and that influences her worldview now (cue sidebar Brene Brown discussion...).
I see merit to both points of view. You could formulate an ethical argument either way. My personal experience was rather recently, when my wife and I were eating pub-grub one afternoon. The college-town waitress was wearing black yoga pants and I noticed that she had the cutest little butt. And then I realized there was no sexual desire present. I was wondering if my son would think so, and that she looked like good "daughter-in-law material" or whatever. I saw her no differently than I do my nieces. It was an odd revelation experience. I honestly prefer the mature woman. I still think my wife is the most beautiful thing on the planet. Show me the latest starlet on the red carpet, and I'm "meh..." The 50 year old that embraces age and still rocks it? That's what philosophers were talking about when they were trying to get at the essence of beauty. And the 25 year old me would be appalled at the me of today... lol
Anyway, for the ladies' side it's one for one. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts if you'd like to share
A female former coworker of mine (also retired military) has long been considered a family friend. We're all friends on Facebook, etc... and she still lives an adventurous life, traveling the world as a contractor. Occasionally, she will post the odd half-naked fireman-calendar type of thing. I don't think anything of it, but my wife commented along the lines of "being too old for that" and that our son is that age and is similarly handsome and fit. In her mind, those other firemen are just little boys like the one she raised. She also grew up in a world that wasn't safe, and that influences her worldview now (cue sidebar Brene Brown discussion...).
I see merit to both points of view. You could formulate an ethical argument either way. My personal experience was rather recently, when my wife and I were eating pub-grub one afternoon. The college-town waitress was wearing black yoga pants and I noticed that she had the cutest little butt. And then I realized there was no sexual desire present. I was wondering if my son would think so, and that she looked like good "daughter-in-law material" or whatever. I saw her no differently than I do my nieces. It was an odd revelation experience. I honestly prefer the mature woman. I still think my wife is the most beautiful thing on the planet. Show me the latest starlet on the red carpet, and I'm "meh..." The 50 year old that embraces age and still rocks it? That's what philosophers were talking about when they were trying to get at the essence of beauty. And the 25 year old me would be appalled at the me of today... lol
Anyway, for the ladies' side it's one for one. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts if you'd like to share