Alec Nysten (@thehoneybadgerx)


What happened to him did he retire?

We might need to start a 'gofundme' for him if we want him to stay in the industry! Seriously, guess it's really bad jobwise in that outback downunder where he lives. That damn global Corona theater production is fucking everything up and destroying too many livelihoods everywhere en masse...
He really has that 'Antifa' symbol tatooed on that body?!?
OMG! And Antifa is not anarchist, hahahaaa? Thats the symbol they smear on buildungs all over the world. Fools.
Anarchism goes against the establishment itself, and all that composes it such as hierarchy, etc. Antifa is Anti-Fascism, which HOPEFULLY we all are (the alternative is to support fascism, which didnt turn out very well for our community in the past).

BTW, is he on the do not post list?
Sorry. His gifs and link got taken down.:pensive: Mods say, no no. Maybe Alec is watching and says the same. I still luv ya Alec.:kissing_heart:
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Yeah, I had been struck for copywright for the post too.. well, he’s still hot, but if he doesn’t promote some of his materials, i don’t think many people will pay to see him.

Maybe he should try the @Lex L3derm@n method of business. @Lex is doing quite well it seems.:)
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Wow, my last post just inserted some hyperlinks to a member of lspg. He is a different Alex than the one I was speaking about.

Technology can not be trusted.:scream:
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