Porn is not real life.
Real life is messy and unpredictable and like discovering a new continent.
Adventure and awe and disappointment and injuries and hunger and feast.
Always on tap porn , echo chamber social media, monetising everything , influencers, and the avalanche of bullshit has permanently wrecked our brains, as a species we are doomed.
Now people expects to climb on, have a DP as your 1st experience,with perfectly wet partners with puffed up ducklips and makeup and perky photoshopped plastic tits.
Thank god I had my sexual awakening in the 1970s when women had pubic hair and men used communal showers and did not shave their pubic hair.
What is more is people cannot understand and metabolize rejection. It was the norm that women spurned young men, you had to get up and try and become better at dating and hone your social skills, and learn how to dance, how to be a gentleman, have manners, IT WAS A LOT OF HARD WORK.
Sexual partners did not fall into your lap, the porno encounters were just that.
Real boys and girls fumbled and stumbled their way to sexual encounters , and you either survived ot you stayed single.
Rant over.