
Cherished Member
Aug 3, 2023
Buffalo, New York, United States
100% Gay, 0% Straight
“I wonder when Lee will be coming back, I was hoping to see him succeed. Seemed like a nice lad” Paul said.

Paul, Victor, and Tyrell sat patiently waiting for their team member to arrive back from the elimination battle but nobody ever arrived.

“Who cares, on our team or not we should be happy to see another person eliminated. One down…however many to go…” Victor snapped back.

Paul rolled him eyes and responded, “I mean…I assume we will merge at some point. It might be good to go into that with some numbers.”

“He has a point. We should all stick together when that time comes. It is only likely that the other teams have bonded and will do the same” Tyrell pitched in to say.

Tyrell thought to himself, do I really wanna go all the way to the end with Victor who I can’t stand or Paul who seems way more reasonable…

Team 2 were still enjoying their celebration.

Sebastion and not sat on opposite ends of the couch flirting with each other. Nate stretched out his leg and rubbed his foot back and forth over Sebastion’s crotch while just casually speaking to him as of he were not doing anything at all. Sebastion blushed and tried really hard to focus on what he was saying. He visible spot of pre cum appeared through Sebastion’s shorts. Nate grinned.

Mr.Grey walked in.

“Congrats on being the winning team. The winning team each round will get a prize. This round the prize is an advantage in the next competition. Good luck!”

“Oh perfect. We can steam roll.” Dave said.

On the floor of team 3 their was a very tense vibe.

Taylor had passed out on the couch. Little did he know the plan going down in the room behind him. Professor had Cubster and Martin standing before him undressed.

“Bitch boy, did the steal the 2 potions from the play room like I asked?”

“Yes Professor.” Martin replied reluctantly.

He stretched out his hands and handed 2 different potions over to Professor. On them read “Suggestive serum” and “30 day Chasity potion”.

Professor made both of his slaves take a swig of the charity potion and then very promptly pulled out 2 chastity cages from his suitcase and locked the boys up. The potion went to work fast. The guys suddenly had 30 days worth of no orgasm semen built up in their balls and they needed to cum bad.

As Taylor was sleeping he felt a presence and opened up his eyes but it was to late. A large hand shot down and covered his mouth. Professor hovered over him and put his finger to his mouth. “Shhhh if you k own what is best for you boy.”

Martin and Cubster each grabbed one of Taylor’s arms and held him in place.

“Drink this now. Just a swig.” Professor demanded, lifting the suggestive serum up to Taylor’s mouth. Taylor turned his head to the side.

“No way!”

“Get him under control!” Professor snapped.

Martin and Cubster used their free hands. Martin held one arm and Taylor’s head in place while Cubster held his other arm and sqeezed his mouth open with his free hand by squeezing the sides of Taylor’s mouth. A big enough opening was made that Professor could quickly dump the serum down Taylor’s throat.

The boys released him. Taylor felt very dizzy. His state of mind was to basically just go along with whatever he was told.

Professor easily persuaded him to put drink some of the chastity potion and locked him up with the other guys. Professor stepped back and looked at his 3 locked slaves.

“Perfect.” He muttered to himself.


All of the players gathered and were surprised at what they saw. I mid twenty something man was standing on a platform only big enough for his 2 feet. His arms outstretched willingly. He was a very handsome guy. The guys all noticed he was in a chastity cage which was a huge turn on.

Charlie introduced him.

“Guys this is Mark. He is a popular sub at our kink parties we host during the off seasons. We have had him locked in chastity for months now! However that is beyond the point…Today’s theme is tickling. I will start a timer and each team will be gang tickling Mark. When you can get him to touch even just one foot off of his platform then the timer will stop. The team with the shortest time will win. The 2 losing teams will have ALL members compete in a fetish battle and 1 person from each losing team will be eliminated!”

The guys gasped at this news. No vote.

The other teams would not be able to watch and would be in the play space 1 at a time so they couldn’t copy each other’s technique.

Team one was up first.

The timer began.

Paul quickly instructed his team, “Listen to me guys, I’ve done this plenty of times before. Focus on areas that he is probably not used to feeling touch. They will feel extra sensitive. I’ll go ears. Tyrell do the back of the knees. Victor you do the groin.”

Though Paul’s thing was more being an expert edger and milker, he had used tickling as a technique to get guys to back off the edge before.

Everyone quickly took their positions. Paul lightly tickled all around and inside Marks ears. Mark HATED it and kept Jenkins his head every which way but Paul’s fingers always followed no matter where he tried to jerk his head around. He kept squirming forwards and backwards between Victor and Tyrell who were in the front and back of him. The ticking behind his legs/knees really did him in and made his legs buckle. He collapsed onto the ground off of his small platform.

“Alright, 40 seconds… impressive!” Charlie said.

Team 2 arrived for their turn. Charlie explained they would have 30 seconds deducted from their time as the advantage they won from the first round.

The timer began.

It was a but unorganized with the guys just darting at different body parts and moving their fingers fast. It wasn’t ineffective as it had Mark laughing but they didn’t stay on one spot long enough. Dave and Shawn kept trying to speak over each other to direct the team on strategy but it was hard to get everyone to focus. Shawn noticed Sebastion was just distracted by Mark’s feet and not tickling at all.

“Come on Seb! Seriously?”

Shawn and Seb began to bicker back and forth while they tickled. Shawn expressed that he feels he is the weak link and all he does is flirt with Nate.

“Come on guys let’s stay focused.” Dave said. He jammed his finger into Mark’s belly button causing him to yelp and fly backwards off his platform.

“Well…I wish I knew that was the spot. I would have stayed in it all along.” Dave said chuckling to himself.

“1min 45seconds.” Because your advantage that makes your official time 1min 15 seconds." Charlie said.

Team 3 was the last to come out.

The time began.

Professor ordered the men to position one at each pit, the stomach, and he took care of the sides. Martin specifically was a very aggressive tickler. So focused. When he was horny he would get into a trance where it is almost animalistic. His fingers methodically tickled with just the right pressure to to get Mark flailing off the platform.

“OK ok I give up! Man you’re good aren’t you…” Mark said. Both as a compliment and with a bit of nervousness.

“You guys got 55 seconds. Unfortunately that means 2nd place.” Charloe said.

Charlie brought team 1 out and declared them the winners. They all embraced for a celebration hug. “The winning team always gets a prize. Last round it was an advantage in the next game. This round…your prize is a new teammate. Welcome your new team member Mark.”

Everyone was shocked. They had no idea Mark would be joining the game.

“Alright team 1 you can head back to your floor. It’s time for the elimination battle. One member of each of the losing teams will leave.”

Team 2 and 3 were all say on a bench. They all stretched out their legs and had their feet locked into stocks. Their arms were raised and cuffed so their entire underarms were exposed. The men were all given a blue liquid to fill their mouth full.

“You guys will be being tickled by some helpers. The goal is to not lose your drinks from your mouth. If even the smallest amount spills from your mouth…you’re out! READY SET GO!”

A wave of men flooded the room. One for each guy. Each of these men had the most devilish grins on their faces. Imagine this being your job. Getting to torment kinky dudes.

Paul was not to ticklish and giggled here and there but mainly just kept a focused mind. Sebastion on the other hand was not holding up well. The soles of his feet were painfully ticklish. With each scrape of a finger he thought he would spill. His face was beat red. Nate days old socks were peeled off. He got a bit of a break because the scent had the tickler backing away. Shawn was sensitive to touch all over. He made a squeezing noise through his shut mouth as he tried to hold the liquid in. His tickler digging into his arm pits. Sebastions eyes filled with tears. He was just on the brink of spilling and didn’t want to lose yet. Just seconds before Sebs liquid shot out Shawn lost control. “Ahhh I give up!” Shawn said. He had blue liquid spilling down his chin and all over himself.

Thank God Seb thought.

Over at team 3 Professor seemed to be doing just fine. He was used to being the one tickling. He was not very ticklish at all and was mostly stone faced. While Martin did struggle a bit he was very good at focusing on a spot on the wall and not breaking focus. Trying to just let his mind go somewhere else. Taylor and Cubster on the other hand were not doing to well. Taylor buckled on his bench while his soles were scratched up and down. Cubster felt he was using all his strength as he tried not to lose control the further his tickler pressed into his belly button. Eventually Cubster essentially threw up this blue liquid all over himself when it seemed like his tickler couldn’t push any further.

“Cubster and Shawn, I’m sorry to say you have been eliminated from the competition.”

Both men were left on their stocks as Mr.Grey and helpers painted over them. They were soon living, breathing statues. They were coated with a tickling powder from the factory in every ticklish spot imaginable. Between every toe, the soles, between fingers, pits, belly button, ears, groin, ect. Both of their statues were displayed next to the statues of Lee and Aaron. Poor Cubster did not just have to sit still and deal with the tickling sensation the rest of the show, he also had his chastity cage locking his 30 day load from the potion. His horny mind raced behind his peaceful still expression.

Who will be eliminated next time? Have any early favorites or least favorites? How will Mark integrate into his new team? Will team 1 be able to stick together like planned? Where will the relationship woth Seb and Nate Go? Will Martin and Taylor be able to break from Professor’s control? Find out next time on AMERICA’S NEXT TOP KINKSTER!

[Author Note: All the new characters in this story were created by and based on real people who enjoyed the first season of this series. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a character! As always, comments mean everything to me so if you enjoyed, let me know and leave your thoughts, favorite moments, who your rooting for, or anything really! ]
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