AMERICA'S NEXT TOP KINKSTER - Episode 5: Taste of DeFeet (Finale)


Cherished Member
Aug 3, 2023
Buffalo, New York, United States
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Tai, Nate, and Victor retreated back into the house. Their was some celebratory champagne on the counter of the kitchen with a note from Charlie congratulating them all on making the finale. The 3 men shared the moment with each other and toasted to making it so far.

The guys walked back out into the main hall to view all 5 of the statues/eliminated contestants.

Tai approached all of the solidified men.

“It has been a great pleasure to play with all of you. It is a shame you can’t be out of your state to enjoy this with us. When this is all over, We will all definitely be having a cast party and celebrating this amazing experience we all shared”.

“Drinks are on whoever wins” Nate joked.

“Nate, Will you still have the same cheery attitude when you’re on that last platform?” Victor said, Taking a mostly playful jab.

“I hope they’re handling what they are experiencing well. Good luck to whichever one of us ends up on the last platform.” Nate replied.

“I think we should go off to sleep gentlemen. Big day tomorrow” Tai said.

The 3 men left to go get some rest.

Hayden in his statue form watched as they all walked off. He wished he had seen Tyrell in the top 3 considering what he had done for him. His punishment had made him feel like he had thousands of ants crawling all over him. Each one tickling him in the most irritating way. Standing their day in and day out laughing internally and trying to squirm and move and occasionally screaming internally when it could get to be too much. But even when it became too much, it did not stop. Not being able to move made the tickling sensations even worse because his whole mind and body were more focused on the sensations rather than squirming. He was thankful Tyrell made the remainder of his statue time pleasant. He strongly believed he had the most unbearable punishment.

Cowboy stood their in his statue form. He was very bitter and angry. The pinching sensation from the clothespins did not wear off. The large weight hanging from his stone balls felt like it was heavy enough to make him collapse. Yet, he didn;t budge at all. He partially wishes he would just collapse in the moment to make the sensations stop. The icyhot that was put on his sockhead was giving a very surreal stinging/burning sensation. He especially hated Mr.Grey for the small amount of itching powder in the slit of his cockhead. It was driving him insane. Like an intense itch in a small spot that you can;t get to. He was very angry being out second considering he thought he was the strongest competitor.

Harry would sometimes notice the guys come and go but it was all a blur to him. He could hardly focus on anything except for his dick. He had never wanted to cum so bad. He had a 30+ day load in him and had spent hours upon days kept in a state where he was just at the point of no return but could not go over. He could hear himself yelling out to anyone who passed to please finish him off. If only he could actually speak. To make matters worse, He wanted to squirm right out of his own body whenever the cockhead polishing cloth flared up. He had such a senstive cockhead that actual tears were occasionally streaming down the face of his statue self. He wondered if he may ever get to cum again. He was really regretting betraying Tyrell.

Ryan might have been the most angry of them all. The short fused bodybuilder had spent his remaining time being used as a personal urinal for the staff and cast of the show. All he could taste and smell was piss everyday. He didn’t have the ability to spit or throw it up. He would just feel his mouth filled up and then having it stream down his throat. Sometimes the crew members thought it was funny to “miss” and drizzle all over his face. Nate and Tai were nice about not using him to go, but even his “friend” Victor thought the situation was funny and had used him once. If he wasn;t in statue mode he was thinking of all the harm he would do to each guy who used him.

Tyrell had been sitting on his enlarged electro ball for a day. He had already experienced several anal orgasms and his cock seemed like he was leaking pre a majority of the time. The problem is, The electro occasionally caused the orgasms to be way too intense that the orgasms could be unbearable and almost way too powerful for him to handle. But he did. His ass stretched to an unrealistic length was intense and uncomfortable at first but he was getting used to it. He was hoping Tai and Nate would win very badly.

All 5 men stayed side by side in statue form. Soon, one more would join them and a winner would be crowned.

All 3 finalists awoke. They got ready for the day. Their was a lot of tension and quietness. They were all on edge for what the day would entail.

A voice came over the house speaker:


Tai, Nate, and Victor walked into the main hall to greet Charlie. Charlie had 3 other men their with him. They were all tall athletic men. They looked like soccer players. All of them were also barefoot…

“Hello all of you and congrats on making it this far. The fetish for this final round will be FEET.”

All of the men groaned. Their wasn’t a single one of them that had a foot fetish.

Charlie continued:

"We have prepared a kinky obstacle course for this final round. Here is how it will go down:

The first part of this course will have you all shrunken down to a few inches tall and tied tightly by the shoelaces of these soccer buddies here with us today. You will have to struggle and untie yourself and then climb out of the sneaker you will be trapped in. Once you climb out you will be grown back to size. The second part of the round will have you getting a hidden code off of the soles of our friends here today. They will have a word and a number written on their toes/soles. The soles will have a coating of a paint like substance coated over them so you will have to use your mouth/tongue to get to the secret code. You can only use your mouth and tongue. Once you have your code, You will be granted access to the final part. The final part will involve this large pit of socks. Our viewers have kindly sent in hundreds of worn, dirty, smelly socks. The socks are all white or black…However, their are 5 hidden red socks. You are to dive in and find 3 red socks and place them in your bucket. Once you have 3, Run to the finish line first and you will be crowned the victor. In the sock pit, you also can only use your mouth. You can’t take socks out with your hands. The winner will get to choose the final person that will be eliminated from the game. The punishment for the final statue will be ‘overkill’. This means we will be taking a little bit of each punishment from the previous rounds as well as a punishment themed by this round and applying it to the final statue. Does everyone understand?"

The men all shook their heads yes.

All 3 men were shrunken by Charlie with a shrinking gun and then tied from their legs all the way up to their chest with the shoe strings., their hands behind their backs. Once fully restrained the men were each dropped into one of the size 12 sneakers.

“Ughh oh god. Get me out of here.” Victor said.

The smell was very strong. The bottom of the shoes were also lightly damp. The men must have gotten fresh out of a workout or game.

Tai was no fan either and almost wanted to forfeit. The intense smell was gonna be a big distraction.

Nate was lucky enough to have the numbing trigger Tyrell installed in him so he could not smell anything.

“Ready, Set, GO!” Charlie yelled.

Tai began wiggling back and forth until he could finally get hands loose enough to un-do the rest of the string. He tried holding his breath at times during the challenge due to the scent which was just wearing him out more. After holding his breath for a while he would eventually have to inhale deeply. Being older, He wasn’t as strong or flexible as the other two guys so he was getting tired very early in.

Nate didn’t struggle with any type of scent. He was used to being in ropes so being tied by the string was nothing new to him. He rolled over on his stomach and began using his fingers to try and undue the shoe string tied behind his hands. It was taking a while but he was making progress.

Victor had a secret he kept from the other guys. He has always carried a pocket knife. You never know if it may come in handy he thought. Well now it would. Their were no cameras hidden in the shoe so it was not like he was gonna get caught using it. He wiggled around until he could finally get the pocket knife to slide out of his shorts and to the bottom of the shoe. He inched over to it and picked it up with his fingers. Once he had it open he cut the shoe string from his wrists and the rest was a piece of cake. He simply un-did the rest of his ties with his hands. He put the knife back in his pocket and climbed out of the shoe. Charlie promptly used a different setting on the gun to bring Victor back to size.

“Alright Victor you have cleared Part 1! ove on now to part 2!” Charlie yelled.

Nate began to panic and wiggle faster hearing that Victor had gotten ahead. He could feel his ropes getting looser the more he wiggled around.

Victor got the next part. One of the men had his long foot kicked up on a footrest. His foot was coated in a blue paint like substance that had hardened.

Victor leaned at his feet and stuck his tongue out to get to licking. As he got closer though he turned his head away in disgust. He didn’t know if he could do this. The man looked very amused at Victor’s reaction and curled his toes which just upset Victor more. He knew this guy was enjoying this.

Victor began to take very slow licks on the sole. This was definitely going to take him a while he thought.

Nate popped out of his shoe and was brought back to size. He caught up with Victor and began working on his foot guy.

Nate could not smell or taste so this part was easy for him. He just closed his eyes and pretended he was licking and sucking on a popsicle or sucker.

Nate quickly sucked every toe off. Their was a letter on each toe. They spelled out ‘Final’.

He then got to licking the man’s sole. The man just looked down at him going to town. He was very impressed and very much enjoying himself.

Victor only had a couple toes done and his adrenaline was starting to set in. He was gonna have to suck it up and start sucking on the toes as hard as Nate was if he wanted to catch up.

He wrapped his mouth around the big toe and the man began to wiggle it around on his tongue.

Victor immediately pulled back and spit to the ground.

“ughhhh gross! Stop that!”

The man just laughed and curled his big toe, ready for some more.

Nate finally finished working on his guy’s sole. Down the enter sole spelled the word ‘Master’.

He ran to Charlie to tell him the code was “Final master”.

“Okay Nate, You are now moving to part 3! The final part!” Charlie said.

Nate ran and did a cannonball dive right into the deep pit of socks to begin looking for 3 red socks.

He began sifting through the socks with his hands. He spotted a red one and bent down to fetch it with his mouth. He then climbed out of the pit and put the 1 red sock in his bucket.

Victor had just finished all five toes and now was just licking the sole to reveal the word hidden there.

Natewas deep inside the pit of socks. He spotted another red sock and picked it up with his mouth as if he was bobbing for apples. He set the second sock in his bucket.

“I am so close…Just one more…”, Nate said to himself.

Victor finally finished cleaning his foot guy just as Tai had finally climbed out of his shoe and was brought back to size.

“Final Master” He said to Charlie quietly so Tai didn;'t hear.

“Okay you’re good to go Victor! ove on to part 3!” Charlie said.

Victor shot the cocky foot guy a nasty look before running over and sliding into the sock pit with Nate.

“Ughhh how can you not complain about this?? It wreaks!” Victor said, Daintily sifting through the socks.

Nate ignored him and continued to search.

Nate spotted another red sock and got excited.

“Aha! There it is!” He yelled.

Unfortunately when he dove at it, he got a bit too excited and knocked it over in Victor’s direction. Victor quickly fetched it into his mouth. He almost barfed it out but knew he had to catch up to Nate. He put his red sock in his bucket and re-joined the sock pit.

Both men spent quite a while continuing to search. Suddenly, Victor had a realization.

“I am literally wearing red socks today…What a coincidence…” he thought to himself.

The red socks for the game were longer while Victor wore crew cut. But if they are rolled up, Who is going to notice? He thought to himself. Victor dived down deep into the socks so he could not be seen. He would do one at a time so it wasn’t obvious. He kicked off one shoe of his and slid the sock off and rolled it up. He put his shoe back on and stuffed the sock into his mouth. He ‘swam’ back up and put his sock in his bucket.

“Woo! One more baby!” He yelled.

Nate was getting super frustrated. He was finding them so fast and now Victor had already caught up and he can’t find any.

Victor dived back down under the socks and began to do the same trick as last time with his other sock. He had to act fast because he didn’t want Nate getting that last sock before he could get his. Once he had his sock off he again put his own rolled up red sock in his mouth, put his shoe on, and began coming up. As he reached the surface he heard an excited Nate yell “Got it!” as he dove and pulled a red sock he found into his mouth.

It was close, Both men began to race towards their buckets. They were about tied dropping them in. Now it was a typical race to the finish line. Both men booked it full speed to the end and…


Victor had finished before Nate by just a couple seconds.

Nate was saddened but still congratulated Victor.

“Good job man…You earned it.” Nate said, shaking Victors Hand.

Tai had only just finished the toes on his foot guy but knew he had no chance. He stood up and went to congratulate Victor.

“Well Victor, not only have you won the grand prize, but you also get to pick who goes on the final platform.” Charlie stated.

“Hahaha this is great! Alright my choice isn’t a hard one. Nate, Just because I feel an ounce of pity for you and know you fought hard this round, I’m gonna spare you. Old man, time for you to do the walk of shame to your platform” Victor said with a defiant smile.

Tai was disappointed but didn’t raise a fit. He followed the punishment team that had arrived and were leading him to the last platform.

Nate and Victor watched as Tai walked away. One was much happier than the other.

Just as Tai stepped on his platform someone yelled out.

“Wait! Somethings wrong here…” Said one of the Soccer/Foot guys.

Everyone turned and looked over at the soccer stud holding his shoe with a confused expression on his face. He pulled the cut up shoe string out for everyone to see.

“Now how exactly did my shoelace get all chopped up like this…” He said.

Everyone looked perplexed. Victor broke into a bit of a sweat but tried to play it cool.

“Hey this isn’t right either!” Another one of the soccer studs yelled from across the room.

Everyone turned and looked over at him. He was holding up 2 of the unrolled socks from Victors bucket.

“I know for a fact none of us were wearing these socks…All of ours were almost knee high…”

Victor began to internally panic. He didn;t know the red socks specifically belonged to the soccer players and that they would go to put them back on right after the competition.

He didn’t know how to react, everyone was looking at him all confused. Before he knew it Charlie creeped up behind him and lifted his pant leg.

“Sockless…” He said. He confirmed the other side as well. He also noticed the small bump in his pocket. He slid his hand in and pulled out the pocket knife. Everyone in the room gasped.

“Well…It appears that their was some cheating occuring. This can only mean one thing…CONGRATS NATE, YOU ARE THE WINNER OF AMERICA’S NEXT TOP KINKSTER!”" Charlie yelled out.

Everyone in the room erupted into cheers except for Victor who looked dumbfounded.

"Who are selecting for the final platform statue Nate? Charlie asked.

“No hard feelings, But I am going to go with Victor.” Nate answered.

“Oh you little…” Victor began to say but he was cut off by some of Charlie’s helpers who each grabbed him by an arm and began escorting him over to the 3rd platform.

“You got lucky you losers. We all know I dominated this game. Don’t think I wont get one over on all of you someday” Victor said.

“FREEZE” someone said, snapping their finger in Victors ear.

It was Mr.Grey. He had put Victor in a frozen but conscious state.

“Alright Victor, The punishment for the final round is a tribute to all of the rounds. Men, lets get to work.” Charlie said.

The punishment crew striped Victor down.

One of the helpers got the tickling powder previously used on Hayden. He used a brush to rub the powder under both armpits while another helper held Victors arms up. He carefully swirled some in the belly button. They laid Victor down to the ground and coacted his soles and between each toe with the tickling powder as well. Next, One of the helpers applied two clamps to Victors nipples. Another helper decorated his ball sack with clothespins, Similar to how they did Cowboy. They tied a small weight to hang down from the balls.

The helpers carefully poured a couple ‘pissing’ postions down his throat. This would give Victor the sensation of filling his bladder and cause an urge to pee.

Mr.Grey whispered in his ear. Whatever type of induction he was doing was getting victor horny despite his internal protests. With some slow talking and finger snapping Mr.Grey got him hard and actually brought him to a full orgasm while he was frozen. It was a massive creamy load. They immediately applied the same polishing cloth that was used on Harry. This would keep Victor in a permanent state of experiecing post orgasm cocjhead palming. Victors eyes were bugging at this part. Nobody could possibly bear to handle polishing sensations while being completely still.

They rolled Victor over. Charlie walked over and began to slowly work a fist sized silver ball into Victors prostate. If Victor could have been noise he would have been yelling loud enough for the world to hear. It took quite a bit of lube and slow forceful pushing and swirling before the electro ball was snug in his ass. This is a smaller version of the same type of ball inside of Tyrell.

They stood him up and placed him on the platform. All of the men worked together to coat him with the solidifying paint. Once Victor was mostly solidified everyone brought armfulls of the socks from the pit and began to pile them around Victor. The Soccer guy who Victor was working on during the competition walked over and made sure one was placed in Victor’s mouth. He smiled in Victor’s face knowing just how ticked that must have made him. When they were done, Literally only Victors eyes could be seen. It looked like a mountain of socks with eyes. His statue self buried under the large smelly pile.

Victor was experiencing the consequences of all previous punishments combined.

“This is why I called the final platform overkill” Charlie chuckled.

Now that all 6 platforms were filled, Nate could finally actually focus on his win.

Tai embraced him as Nate cried tears of joy into his own hands.

“I knew you could do it pal. Do good things with the money. I am grateful I could be on this journey with you.” Tai said.

“Thank you Tai for being a great friend and mentor. And thank you Charlie for letting me be a part of this show… I can use this money to help my family andfor furthering my education.” Nate said.

Production began to wind down. The statue men were to stay in their state for the weekend while Nate did a Victory tour of interviews and press. At the end of the weekend, the men would all be released and they would have a big cast/crew party planned.

“And their you have it. One man was able to overcome 7 skilled kinsters to become the best. We hope you at home enjoyed the show! From the Kink Factory,My name is Master Charlie, Thank you for tuning in and goodnight!” Charlie said with a nod and wink before closing the factory doors.

The end.

[Author Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this series!. Please let me know what you think!. The comments have made this way more fun to write so thank you to those who leave them! Thoughts on ending? Favorite part? Favorite punishment? Happy with winner? Ect.
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Awesome stuff! We need a season 2 and 3 and can you use these names and cities? These are fictional and not coincidentally represent real people.

1 Allan
2 Devon
3 Billy
4 Cyrus
5 Lince
6 Johnny
7 Friday
8 Tim
9 Xander
10 Derrick

Cities of Contestants
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Denver, Colorado
Houston, Texas
New Orleans
Virginia Beach, VA
New York City ( 2 or 3 Contestants)
Reno, NV
Philadelphia (option 1)
Orange County, CA (option 2)