An Interesting Trend...


Sexy Member
Feb 7, 2003
Ontario, Canada
No Response
Not sure!
From many of the studies I have read there are a relatively large percentage of girths less than 5" and few 7 and plus.
The girth ratio for the 9 and up would likely be chunkier but Im not so sure the 6 or 6.5 girth doesnt cover further up the length scale with the 7s associated more with the very upper lengths or as the result of pumping etc.
No expert just my reaction.
I think there are studies out there that plot length/girth on a cartesian plane and some of them have a statistical analysis for the line of best fit. The distribution, howoever, is quite broad.
It's not a direct proportionality, because penises twice as long aren't usually twice as thick - just as well, or they would be hard to use. Those figures suggest something more like girth being proportional to (length)^0.6 or thereabouts.
Works for me too. Although I thought a girth around 6" and beyond was rare...but girth must go with length and they're not indepent (eg you have a 80% chance of being 6" long and a 1% I think or at least a low chance of having a 6" girth..) so you would expect most penises to be less than 6" girth but that does seem popular here.

A 6" girth is a 1 in 100 chance but it seems to be more frequent than that...especially if you have a long penis. I'll get back to you and check the odds for girth but I think that was it...

EDIT: Kinsey had 0.6% instance of a > 6" girth while the highest has been 10% with Websurvey, an internet, self measured test for a condom manufacturer.