Andrew Tate

Basically the extremes on both sides. They want the whole world to agree with them at all costs. Bunch of weirdoes
Is it extreme to want everyone to not subscribe to a misogynistic and racist sex trafficker? If that’s extreme then call me radical!
Is it extreme to want everyone to not subscribe to a misogynistic and racist sex trafficker? If that’s extreme then call me radical!
No one cares what you say. Please go virtue signal some place else.
Good news:
I downloaded it last year, so I can DM the tape to you.

Last year's bad news:
I did a search for it (just for you) online recently, but I can't find any site that has it, as of recently.
Wait! What about me? I started this thread
Besides his physique, fellow gays, what is redeeming about this man? What's worth holding up, celebrating, defending?
Perhaps people are just admiring a hot, masculine man?

It's like seeing a hot guy in public. Do you need to investigate his background to find him attractive or get your rocks off? We aren't here for activism, we're just here to appreciate half naked men. If Andrew Tate isn't for you, then he isn't for you. It's extremely simple with no need for further complications.

The real question is, why do you have an issue with people simply seeing someone as hot and wanting to see more of them?!