Annoying behaviors of gay men?


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Jun 18, 2024
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Gay dude here with lots of straight and gay friends / fuck buddies. Generally consider myself to function pretty well socially, but I sometimes worry that I annoy straight dudes when I make it too clear I’m into them. Aside from obvious bad/rude behavior, is there any general behaviors of gay men towards straight men that gay dudes might be oblivious of and want to check themselves on? (Hoping this isn’t a triggering topic for either side…just genuinely curious and trying not to come off as a creep to people).
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Personally, the same rules apply when Straight men interact with straight women; or gay men.

If someone says thank you, I am flattered; but no thanks, Let things go
If someone says thank you , I am flattered; but no thank you, then you persist to ask again. Then it becomes annoying
when I make it too clear I’m into them
Into them men in general or into them your friends?
If it's the second what for? If I was a friend of Bil Gates I wouldn't be constantly commenting how much money he has, he knows and stating the obvious makes me look as desperate or at least out of place.
Have some self respect you are as attractive to them as tofu to lions.
When you turn down your hunting mode you will enjoy your friendship.
I have to say, I highly highly doubt that gay men are oblivious to how their actions can annoy a straight man. Almost every woman I know has at least one gay male friend, and they talk to their gay male friend about the annoying as hell behavior they have to put up with on a daily basis from straight men. Now, either these gay men have figured out how to not pay attention to a woman who’s venting to them without getting caught, or they just simply aren’t listening. Haha.

personally, it doesn’t bother me as long as the gay man knows that I’m not gay, and I’m not attracted to men so a minute or two of friendly flirting to test the waters is fine, but once I make it abundantly clear that I’m not interested in him sexually and he persists then I will have a more private chat with him explaining my boundaries.

I grew up a band geek and went to college for music so I’ve had/have friends all across the sexuality spectrum and it’s never turned into an actual issue though. So that’s good.
Annoying behaviours of Gay men??

How about Gay members on here who state that they are 100% Straight!
Why? Why lie to all the other users of this site, what purpose does it serve?

Do they lie in the real world or only here?
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Gay dude here with lots of straight and gay friends / fuck buddies. Generally consider myself to function pretty well socially, but I sometimes worry that I annoy straight dudes when I make it too clear I’m into them. Aside from obvious bad/rude behavior, is there any general behaviors of gay men towards straight men that gay dudes might be oblivious of and want to check themselves on? (Hoping this isn’t a triggering topic for either side…just genuinely curious and trying not to come off as a creep to people).
Backing off if there's no interest should apply to any person expressing interest in any other person, if they do not reciprocate, or indicate they are not interested. Sexuality or gender is essentially irrelevant.
Biphobia. Some gays act like bi men are the Judases of the LGBTQ community only to turn around and be into straight guys themselves. They get mad because bi men are into pussy as well as dick but they have no problem chasing the dudes who are ONLY into pussy. Hypocrisy much?
According to a TS member here who used to be a Gay Male, she has repeatedly stated that Biphobia as well as Heterophobia doesn't exist, despite showing traits of both in her posts. Hypocrisy much?
We both know different.
For me I find it irritating when guys try to turn a straight guy. Like they are so perfect that the guy will instantly wanna such their dick. Stop. It's narcissistic and tiresome.

Same as gays listing over straights to the point they convince themselves the person is closeted. It's ludicrous
Huge ally here. Literally live with one of my best friends (who happens to be homosexual). We have discussed a similar topic to this before. I have said to him- I know it is meant as flattery, but, I do get somewhat annoyed when gay men online incessantly try to convince me to let them suck my dick. Sometimes, no just means no.
Huge ally here. Literally live with one of my best friends (who happens to be homosexual). We have discussed a similar topic to this before. I have said to him- I know it is meant as flattery, but, I do get somewhat annoyed when gay men online incessantly try to convince me to let them suck my dick. Sometimes, no just means no.
Always no just means no.