Any other guys who think like me?


Just Browsing
Oct 20, 2005
I'm new to this site and I have a question about other guys my age; Im 20 and 6ft 200lbds mos hairy chest and bod chin goat no stache (italian background) and I'm endowed well enough to turn heads in and out of bed. My question is about my libido....I'm ALWAYS horny!! I can have sex and then need it again in like 1/2 dosent even matter if it's with the same person (though that's more fun)
I get turned on real easily and because of my size and girth I find condoms a real tight fit (seldom use em). I'm afraid I'm basically a slut in the eyes of people i have had sex with (guys and girls) but I am in no serious realationships. Do you think I can become happy with just one partner or maybe two (one of each sex) ?
I hate to sound stupid but theres really no one I can talk to abou this , my family dosnet know Im bi and any guys I have been with just say its a guy thing and normal.
Thanks for the input
Originally posted by gyserguy@Oct 20 2005, 11:31 AM
My question is about my libido....I'm ALWAYS horny!! I can have sex and then need it again in like 1/2 dosent even matter if it's with the same person (though that's more fun)

I get turned on real easily and because of my size and girth I find condoms a real tight fit (seldom use em).
[post=353526]Quoted post[/post]​
Your libido is not a problem, mine is about the same. But casual sex without condoms is dangerous and irresponsible. It is fine if you don't have any regard for your own life or health, but disregard for the health and safety of others is inexcuseable. Get bigger condoms, and use them.
Originally posted by DC_DEEP+Oct 20 2005, 01:12 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DC_DEEP &#064; Oct 20 2005, 01:12 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-gyserguy@Oct 20 2005, 11:31 AM
My question is about my libido....I&#39;m ALWAYS horny&#33;&#33; I can have sex and then need it again in like 1/2 dosent even matter if it&#39;s with the same person (though that&#39;s more fun)

I get turned on real easily and because of my size and girth I find condoms a real tight fit (seldom use em).
[post=353526]Quoted post[/post]​
Your libido is not a problem, mine is about the same. But casual sex without condoms is dangerous and irresponsible. It is fine if you don&#39;t have any regard for your own life or health, but disregard for the health and safety of others is inexcuseable. Get bigger condoms, and use them.
[post=353564]Quoted post[/post]​

Took the words right out of my mouth.

EDIT: Also, if yer gonna have more than one relationship, one of each sex, as you put it, then make shure they&#39;re both cool with it.
Originally posted by surferboy@Oct 20 2005, 01:25 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth.

EDIT: Also, if yer gonna have more than one relationship, one of each sex, as you put it, then make shure they&#39;re both cool with it.
[post=353570]Quoted post[/post]​
Thanks for the backup, Nixxy... I was in a hurry, and left off that last part (in your edit, the honesty thing...)
Originally posted by DC_DEEP+Oct 20 2005, 05:12 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DC_DEEP &#064; Oct 20 2005, 05:12 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-gyserguy@Oct 20 2005, 11:31 AM
My question is about my libido....I&#39;m ALWAYS horny&#33;&#33; I can have sex and then need it again in like 1/2 dosent even matter if it&#39;s with the same person (though that&#39;s more fun)

I get turned on real easily and because of my size and girth I find condoms a real tight fit (seldom use em).
[post=353526]Quoted post[/post]​
Your libido is not a problem, mine is about the same. But casual sex without condoms is dangerous and irresponsible. It is fine if you don&#39;t have any regard for your own life or health, but disregard for the health and safety of others is inexcuseable. Get bigger condoms, and use them.
[post=353564]Quoted post[/post]​
Dig it man, that&#39;s a sexual suicide run you&#39;ve got going on there, doing the nasty without condoms is wreckless and without regard for people&#39;s welfare.
Originally posted by gyserguy+Oct 20 2005, 03:31 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gyserguy &#064; Oct 20 2005, 03:31 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Hi,
because of my size and girth I find condoms a real tight fit (seldom use em).
[post=353526]Quoted post[/post]​

I&#39;m the same - Try the custom fit ones on

@Oct 20 2005, 03:31 PM
Do you think I can become happy with just one partner or maybe two (one of each sex) ?
[post=353526]Quoted post[/post]​

You can be be with one partner who is like minded and be happy. Being with someone doesn&#39;t have to mean monogomy. I used to have a girlfriend who wanted to have a threesome with a Bi man so we would share him.
These girls are fairly rare but they are around
Find a girl with a similar labido and if you don&#39;t mind sharing her then you won&#39;t have to stop exploring with others either

There are very few unique sexual idiologies, if you feel like you do then they&#39;ll be a number of girls out there who think the same but are probably hiding their feelings for fear of being branded a slut
Thanks for all the input; I&#39;ll look at the web site and see if they can find some that are large enough to use...I agree that without condoms its risky as hell :( but having the condom squeze you so tight that you cant enjoy it is awful as well. Anyone else find a female who likes being with a bi-guy?? I have nevr met one yet...if or when they find out I&#39;m Bi they usually take off and want nothing more to do with me no matter how good it was while we were together
I suspect that she is not taking off because you are bi. If she is smart, she is taking off because you are demonstrating careless behavior towards her by not wearing a condom. When she becomes aware that you are bi, you have now introduced risk into the encounter...and she is probably freaked. I have had repeat encouters with men, women, both together...but never twice with someone who didn&#39;t respect themselves enough to ask/insist that I wear a condom. I will qualify this statement by adding that, as a bisexual male, if you are someone that gets into barebacking from other guys, which is entirely your decision to make...disregard my response. There is nothing that anyone could say that would
change your mind about using condoms.
Enough has been said here so far about the use of condoms. I think you have to protect yourself & others, but I wanted to answer the second part of your question, about if you&#39;ll ever be happy with one person. I don&#39;t think you should worry about what hasn&#39;t happened. If you treat all your partners with respect and value them as human beings, then eventually the issue will sort itself out. It might help to actually "talk" to the people you&#39;re fucking to find out how they feel about you as a person. When you begin to care about someone, then the sexual dynamic toward them changes.
Originally posted by black10inches@Oct 21 2005, 08:37 PM
I wanted to answer the second part of your question, about if you&#39;ll ever be happy with one person. I don&#39;t think you should worry about what hasn&#39;t happened. If you treat all your partners with respect and value them as human beings, then eventually the issue will sort itself out. It might help to actually "talk" to the people you&#39;re fucking to find out how they feel about you as a person. When you begin to care about someone, then the sexual dynamic toward them changes.
[post=354063]Quoted post[/post]​
There&#39;s something to be said for b10&#39;s advice. Mostly that it&#39;s right on when it comes to figuring out if the person you&#39;re with at the moment is someone you can see yourself with in the long run, or at least for a good while. To add to it (if you don&#39;t mind, b10) you also should take some time to figure out how you feel about yourself.
Originally posted by gyserguy@Oct 21 2005, 03:51 PM
Thanks for all the input; I&#39;ll look at the web site and see if they can find some that are large enough to use...
[post=353902]Quoted post[/post]​

Many, many condoms fit around the bottom of a 20 oz. soda bottle.......make it happen buddy.
Originally posted by gyserguy@Oct 21 2005, 11:51 AM
Thanks for all the input; I&#39;ll look at the web site and see if they can find some that are large enough to use...I agree that without condoms its risky as hell :( but having the condom squeze you so tight that you cant enjoy it is awful as well. Anyone else find a female who likes being with a bi-guy?? I have nevr met one yet...if or when they find out I&#39;m Bi they usually take off and want nothing more to do with me no matter how good it was while we were together
[post=353902]Quoted post[/post]​

No offense dude, but like, that&#39;s a bullshit excuse for not wearing a condom. There are condoms of various sizes out there on the market without havin to get them customized. Magnums, Magnum XLs are some condoms that are for larger dudes. There&#39;s no reason to ever go unprotected. And that lame excuse "I&#39;m too big for one" is total bullshit. Sorry for like, ripping into you the way I did, dude. But, as I said, there&#39;s no reason to ever have sex without a condom, especially if yer doin the nasty with multiple partners.
Originally posted by surferboy@Oct 22 2005, 05:02 AM
...there&#39;s no reason to ever have sex without a condom, especially if yer doin the nasty with multiple partners.
[post=354141]Quoted post[/post]​
You would be surprised how many times I have been shredded and toasted for saying that most STDs could be totally eliminated in our lifetime.

Sometimes, reality does sound harsh.
When you responsibly start using condoms, gyserguy, please let me know what kind you settle on.

You will be using so many of them I&#39;d like to inve&#036;t in the company.
Originally posted by DC_DEEP
You would be surprised how many times I have been shredded and toasted for saying that most STDs could be totally eliminated in our lifetime.

Sometimes, reality does sound harsh.
I hate putting condoms on and get no pleasure once they are on. It&#39;s raw or naw.
Originally posted by Dr. Dilznick@Oct 22 2005, 06:03 PM
I hate putting condoms on and get no pleasure once they are on. It&#39;s raw or naw.
[post=354296]Quoted post[/post]​
I hope you are joking. If you aren&#39;t joking, then I hope you are in an exclusive relationship or settle on "naw."
Sometimes I think no one in the world hates condoms more than me... but looking at all the STDs and newborns, I think other people feel the same. They&#39;d just rather risk losing their lives than turning down unknown pussy.

I&#39;ll take my chances. I don&#39;t have a lot to live for anyway.
Originally posted by DC_DEEP+Oct 22 2005, 12:38 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DC_DEEP &#064; Oct 22 2005, 12:38 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-surferboy@Oct 22 2005, 05:02 AM
...there&#39;s no reason to ever have sex without a condom, especially if yer doin the nasty with multiple partners.
[post=354141]Quoted post[/post]​
You would be surprised how many times I have been shredded and toasted for saying that most STDs could be totally eliminated in our lifetime.

Sometimes, reality does sound harsh.
[post=354173]Quoted post[/post]​

Well I don&#39;t think that "most STDs could be" (or could have been) "totally eliminated in our lifetime" as much as the number of people infected decreased. It&#39;s just a simple truth: condoms reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
Originally posted by GoneA@Oct 23 2005, 03:07 AM
Well I don&#39;t think that "most STDs could be" (or could have been) "totally eliminated in our lifetime" as much as the number of people infected decreased. It&#39;s just a simple truth: condoms reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
[post=354454]Quoted post[/post]​
That is your opinion, of course, and you are entitled to it. Obviously, an uninfected person cannot infect anyone. I did not say that STDs WILL be eliminated, simply that they COULD be. I also stated that it will never happen. Four types of people ensure that it won&#39;t:

"Sex feels better without a condom."
"I don&#39;t need to be tested."
"That person doesn&#39;t look sick, so I&#39;m safe."
"It&#39;s too much trouble."

I realize that there are other circumstances - rape, unfaithful partner, whatever... but still, there is ONE infected person in the equation, and that one fits into one of the above catagories. Anyone who is sexually active with more than one person should use condoms and be tested periodically - and if tested positive, should absolutely take the necessary steps and precautions to avoid spreading it. But it won&#39;t happen. People, in general, are too self-absorbed to be responsible.
Originally posted by DC_DEEP+Oct 23 2005, 02:08 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DC_DEEP &#064; Oct 23 2005, 02:08 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-GoneA@Oct 23 2005, 03:07 AM
Well I don&#39;t think that "most STDs could be" (or could have been) "totally eliminated in our lifetime" as much as the number of people infected decreased. It&#39;s just a simple truth: condoms reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
[post=354454]Quoted post[/post]​
That is your opinion, of course, and you are entitled to it. Obviously, an uninfected person cannot infect anyone. I did not say that STDs WILL be eliminated, simply that they COULD be. I also stated that it will never happen. Four types of people ensure that it won&#39;t:

[post=354509]Quoted post[/post]​

At the prospect of avoiding a completely unnecessary argument, I will just say: Yes, this is what I said and meant.