Anyone Find Out Much Later That They Fathered Kids?


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Jan 28, 2006
99% Straight, 1% Gay
This week I found out I fathered three kids back when I was just twenty years old.

I was fucking around with two local girls while I was away on vacation. They told me they were on the pill so I believed them. I packed them both full of cum for a week straight.

Was visiting that town last weekend and for fun went to see if the girls still lived there. They both did and I visited them. We were chatting and they both told me that they had 40 year old kids and both women gave birth within a week of each other. In the back of my head I started doing the math and realized they could be my kids.... They showed me pictures of the 3 kids and I could see a familiar resemblance...

About 30 minutes later the women admitted I was the father of their kids and that they had wanted to get pregnant by an outsider.

I was shocked.

Two boys and a girl. The boys started knocking up girls like crazy by the time they were twenty... Something like 14 kids between the two of them...

I had no idea my genome was so widely spread.

Luckily, no want anything from me...

Anyone else find our they produced kids later in their life?
A few years ago I discovered I fathered a child with an older woman when I was in college now 44 years ago. She contacted me after a genetic test revealed her husband wasn't the father.
After a very boozy party where I didnt get the guy I was after I ended up in bed with a girl. She claimed I fucked her,m I was so drunk I had no idea so when she said she was preggers I did what I had to do, married her. And yes, the twins were mine and all she wanted was a sperm donor.
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