Arnold Palmer Giant dong?

That man is such a liar, nothing he says can be relied on, and in any case he only drops hints.

Does anyone have authentic information from other sources - ideally first hand? All the photos I have seen indicate nothing special.
Trump is so fucking weird. In context, this legit may be the outright "weirdest" thing he has ever said, and that is saying something considering his "I just grabbed by the pussy" and "the wettest hurricane ever, in terms of....water". 🤣

Palmer was very fit when he was young, and had great flexibility, but no way of knowing his cock size with those 60s golf pants
I know Donald Trump is an avid golfer, but he may have completely screwed-up a funny locker room joke.

Back in the day when Venice beach was synonymous to muscle beach, Arnold Schwarzenegger reigned supreme. Perhaps because of his impressively muscular build a myth-- false if you've seen Arnold's photos-- surrounded what he may be packing. Schwarzenegger himself welcomed the whispered suspicions around Hollywood surrounding his genitals and did nothing to counter their veracity.

Cut to October 2024. Donald Trump, who has been been tirelessly campaigning for POTUS, may have scrambled the two "Arnolds" in his head-- which brings-up another question? Did old time PGA players take showers in the locker rooms at Augusta National, Riviera or Pebble Beach? I've always seen videos of them getting into their courtesy cars and driving away.